The Big 5 personality factors are:
Extroversion: how outgoing, positive, talkative, assertive, sociable a person is.
Agreeableness: A tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.
Conscientiousness: A tendency to be organized and dependable, self-discipline, achievement-oriented, and prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior.
Emotional stability: how relaxed, secure and unworried one is.
Openness to experience: reflects the degree of intellectual curiosity, creativity and a preference for novelty and variety a person has.
Among these Extroversion and Conscientiousness are related to job performance because Extroversion has been associated with success for managers and salespeople, and Conscientiousness has the strongest positive correlation with job performance and training performance. I am working in the fast-paced environment so I think I have tendency of conscientiousness because I am always follow a schedule, organized, accurate, pay attention to details, dependable and responsible.
2) Define the four types of distortion in perception. Provide an example of each
Stereotyping is a set of beliefs about the characteristics of a group of people.
Example: Politicians are considered as manipulative and corrupt. Women like make-up
Halo effect: forming an impression of an individual based on a single trait
Example: When the Samsung Galaxy was released, there was speculation in the market place that the sales of Galaxy Notes would increase because of the success of the Galaxy. The belief was based on the halo effect, when a customer had a great experience with the Galaxy, he or she would buy a Galaxy Notes simply because it is made by Samsung.
Recency effect: Tendency to remember recent information better