In a churning and emerging global marketplace like India, understanding the fundamental connections between business, the environment, and society has become essential. The roles and responsibilities of business as a global force are becoming more urgent and complex, and concepts related to societal responsibility and sustainability are gaining recognition as essential elements in business management.
Increasing complexity and interdependence require new approaches. Companies need integrative management tools that help embed environmental, social, and governance concerns into their strategic thinking and daily operations. They need support as they internalize and integrate these issues into the core of businesses, engage in dialogue with stakeholders, and report their conduct. They require talented, dynamic, ethical, innovative and visionary leaders who can not only advance organizational goals and fulfill legal and fiduciary obligations to shareholders, but who are also prepared to deal with the broader impact and potential of Indian business as one of the most positive global force in society.
Any meaningful and lasting change in the conduct of corporations toward societal responsibility and sustainability must involve the institutions that most directly act as drivers of business behavior, especially academia. Academic institutions in India can help shape the attitudes and behavior of business leaders of today and tomorrow through business education, research, management development programs, training, and other pervasive, but less tangible, activities, such as the spread and advocacy of new values and innovative ideas. Through these means, academic institutions in India have the potential to generate a wave of positive change, thereby contributing enormously towards the nation’s ambitious future vision, helping to ensure a world where both