Part one: Multiple choices: 1. Management Information System is mainly dependent upon: a. Accounting b. Information c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d. None of the above 2. The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires is: a. Presentation b. Relevance c. Timeliness d. None of the above 3. Human Resource Information Systems are designed to: a. Produce pay checks and payrolls reports b. Maintain personnel records c. Analyze the use of personnel in business operations d. Development of employees to their full potential 4. Operational Accounting System include: a. Inventory control b. Cost accounting reports c. Development of financial budgets and projected financial statements d. None of the above 5. EIS stands for: a. Executive Information System b. Excellent Info System c. Excessive Information System d. None of the above
IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper : Semester II 6. Intranet provide a rich set of tools for those people: a. Who are members of the different company or organization b. Who are members of the same company or organization c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ d. None of the above 7. Which one is not the future of wireless technology? a. E-mail b. VOIP c. RFID d. Telegram 8. OLTP stands for: a. Online Transactional Processing b. Online Transmission Processing c. Online Transactional Process d. None of the above 9. Which one of the following is not considered as future of m-commerce: a. Ubiquity b. Localization c. Simple authentication d. Common operation 10. Which of the following is not the level of decision making: a. Management control b. Activity control c.