City of Malolos, Bulacan
College of Business Administration
A case study concerning the Business and Marketing strategy of Microsoft
Submitted by:
Carballo, Glaiza R.
Gonzales, Jeah Marie Y.
Mendoza, Ralph Danielle B.
Payongayong, Arlene F.
Vinuya, Joana Jessica C.
Submitted to:
Ms. Ma. Lourdes Cervantes
December 10, 2012
1. Summary of the case
The Microsoft case describes how the company was built and gives an insight in their human resource policies, from the early 1980’s until 2001. Bill Gates created a competitive work environment in which there was an enormous drive to achievement.
Microsoft employed a hiring policy and pushed employees and improves their dedication to the company in exchange with the opportunity to receive part of their salary in the company shares, by doing so Microsoft ensures that their employees feel connected to the business.
The childhood friends, Bill Gates and Allen grew up together with the desire for computer programming. They are greatly motivated to become more successful and create a name in the world of their expertise and passion.
Microsoft Corporation is a multinational company where it has its headquarters in Redmond, Washington. The company was known on April 4, 1975, where Bill Gates was the CEO at that time. In 1979, its headquarters was moved to Bellevue, Washington. Microsoft became famous in the market with the MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows OS’s, and the Microsoft mouse and press. Then after that Paul Allen resigned because of his Hodgkin’s disease. Microsoft entered in the market with their Microsoft Office, and achieved their greatest award in the gaming industry with the Xbox 360 and also in the e-markets with Zune and the Windows Mobile.
There are two things that are essential in the marketing strategy of Microsoft, and that is variety and addition of product which is in demand on that time. Microsoft’s vision is to make the best strategy to become successful in