MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM This is a system that converts data from internal & external sources into information in an appropriate form to managers at all levels in all functions to enable them make timely and effective decisions, plans, directing and controlling the activities in which they are responsible for. Elements of Management Information System They Include: Information; System; Information Systems; and Management Information Systems. INFORMATION This refers to data that has been processed in a way that it is meaningful to the recipient. The quality of source of data affects the value of Information. Different managers (levels) take different types of information. Characteristics/Qualities & Attributes of good Information These include: Completeness (should have all necessary details); Accuracy; Clarity (ability to comprehend); Reliability; Timeliness; Volume; Channels of Communication; and Cost.
Roles of Information in Management The roles include the following:1) Improved knowledge; 2) Helps in reduction of uncertainty :Uncertainty exists when there is less than perfect knowledge but rarely is there a perfect knowledge. Relevant information, therefore, helps to reduce the unknowns and this is relevant particularly in planning and decision-making; 3) Acts as an aid to monitoring and control: By providing information about performance and the extend of deviations from planned levels of performance, management can better be able to control operations 4) Used as a means of communication. Management need to know about developments, plan, forecast and implement impending changes. 5) Acts as a memory supplement: This is by providing historical information about performance, transactions, results of past actions and decisions available, personal memories are supplemented.
6) Acts as an aid to simplification: