Role in Business: General Manager
Business Name: AIRO Capital Partners
Date of interview: 17.05.2013
Sergey Platkovskiy identifies himself as an entrepreneur. He is the general manager of AIRO Capital Partners. In the interview he states that his most ideal way of working is to be following a carefully crafted plan. Sergey states that even in his chaotic business industry of finance things can still go according to plan. However, as stated in the article, A Test for the Faint-Hearted, “it is important for entrepreneurs to recognize that simply surviving is more important than doggedly following its original strategy” (Kuemmerle 2002). While Sergey may appreciate a well thought out plan it is important that he is also quick to recognize when he needs to change course, the mark of a good entrepreneur.
Sergey states that his business idea came simply out of the opportunity he perceived. He realized that there is potential for business cooperation between post-soviet countries and China and he believed he had what it took to fill the gap. He states that all of his decisions need to be made quickly and that “every businessman wants his deals to be sealed yesterday, so to some extent every project is rushed” (Platkovskiy 2013). This quote is very typical of an entrepreneurial spirit, impatience.
Sergey’s business is operated by a group of like-minded, close friends and they all trust each other to make the best decisions. The company currently operates with a low chain of command, which allows a free exchange of ideas that encourage innovation. Allowing each person in the business the freedom and trust to make their own decision will help keep them accountable and bring out their best work.
Sergey still considers himself a start-up company 2 years later, which is in line with how the literature explains entrepreneurial ventures as being very long, difficult roads to success. In fact, Sergey would like his business to remain a
References: Hornaday, J. A. (1982). In C. Kent, D. L. Sexton and K. H. Vesper (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 26–7 Hunter, M. (2012). ON SOME OF THE MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets. 7 (2), 55-104. Kuemmerle, W. 2002. A Test for the Fainthearted [pdf] Available through: <Victoria University> [Accessed 22 May 2013]. Moriano, J, Gorgievski, M, Laguna, M, Stephan U & Zarafshani, K. (2012). A Cross-Cultural Approach to Understanding Entrepreneurial Intention. Journal of Career Development. 39 (2), 162-185. Platkovskiy, S. (2013) Interview on Entrepreneurship. Interviewed by Julia Zhu [in person] Beijing Jiaotong University, May 20 2013.