In the present scenario of fierce competition, Successful organizations are those that are able to improve quality, lower costs and efficiency of operations and eliminate products and services that incur losses.
Our research aims at studying IMC movements in turbulent times considering all the factors that lead organizations to sustain and grow.
The report comprises of introduction of IMC, how IMC has changed over the era, and has sustained in difficult times. We will also come across few interesting examples of brands which have changed the definition of Integrated Marketing Communication.
We interviewed people who are closely associated from the advertising and social media industry and also surveyed corporate people from the industry taking their views into consideration.
We have mentioned Interesting case studies of Cadbury and Toyota, two corporate giants in their respective industries, about their crisis and rising above all the adversity by exploiting its IMC strategies.
Introduction to IMC
Fundamentally speaking, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) refers to the process of integrating and coordinating the various communication elements commonly known as the ‘promotional mix’. The promotional mix consists of advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, interactive marketing, personal selling and public relations.
Over two decades IMC has evolved tremendously making it possible to reach every corner of the planet. Companies with their innovation have managed to explore its marketing communication through so many mediums. The best ones include HUL promoting Lifebuoy at Kumbh Mela, which is believed to be the largest congregation on earth where all big marketers try to sell their wares and boost their brands. This was an outstanding effort by Hindustan Unilever of imprinting with “Lifebuoy se haath dhoye kya?” on rotis, a staple item served with
References: Schultz, D. E., & Schultz, H. F. (1998). Transitioning marketing communication into the twenty-first century. Journal of Marketing Communications, 4(1), 9-26. Clow, Kenneth E., Baack, Donald E. (March 22, 2006) Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, p. 108. Prentice Hall PTR http://www.prcai.org/cadbury-crisis-management-2/ "Toyota recalls 'up to 1.8 million cars '". BBC. 2010-01-30.