In this case, employees from Store 58 were notified of a union meeting to discuss joining a union and than had the option to sign an application for membership if they chose to do so. The employees have the respective right to organize and seek certification by the various ULP provisions by the Labour Relations Act. When the employees have participated in a trade union discussion, they would than have a right to sign an agreement to join the union, keeping in mind that the employees are not forced to sign any agreement. The unions obligation in this case, is to file for direct certification and to organize a campaign for the employees. If the board approves the certification, the union would than have the right to bargain with the employer on behalf of the employees within the bargaining unit and to enter into a collective agreement setting out the terms and conditions of the employment. The union also has the duty and responsibility to represent those employees that are in the bargaining unit in the manner which isn’t arbitrary, discriminating, or in bad faith whether or not employees have joined the union. The employers in this case, have the obligation and the right to mange their workplace as needed, however, it is their role to run the business…
This file MGT 426 Week 2 Roles of Management and Individuals consists of the following parts:…
When it comes to an organization’s information technology, the infrastructure management is part of the essential operations along with processes, equipment, policies, human resources, data, and external contracts. The goals of infrastructure management is to reduce duplication effort, enhance the flow of information throughout an information system, ensure an adherence to standards, promote adaptability necessary for a changeable environment, maintain effective change management policies, and ensure interoperability among organizational and external entities. (1)…
2. Reflect on the information presented in this week’s lesson and provide an insightful response to each question writing no more than two paragraphs.…
They are all service providers for the ENOC Group of companies. I work for Group Brand and Marketing Management GBMM.…
However, the management team chose not to side with the labor force but side with the government. The lack of collaboration between the two parties was the reason for the spread of resistance from the employees. To solve the problem, the management would have sat down with the labor unions and come up with a negotiating forum that would see to it that both parties air their grievances. In this forum, the labor unions would be given a chance to address what needs to be done in terms making the lives of the employees better. On the other side, the management team was to explain what they felt would be the way forward. At the end of the day, negotiation would be the key to understanding one another (Broadberry & Irwin, 2004). However, the use of force doesn’t bore fruits to any organization that needs to progress. Moreover, the labor unions would also be given the role of helping the management team in hiring the most qualified employees into the organizations. Provision of such roles would have helped in cementing a good working relationship between the two…
The goal of management labor relations is to establish a comfortable working relationship based on mutual understanding and respect between the two. If there had been early resolution of the problems employees' morale and overall productivity mostly likely would have improved. The collective bargaining process enhances labor relationship of its employees and union to perform better with fewer hazards for either party. These protective legislations improve the work quality with less negative effects. It ensures employees of their security and employers of their day-to-day quality administrational results. Human Resources department presents its laws to influence the extent of the employees and its unions for the success of various factors including terms and conditions of employment. The labor union's negotiation and collective bargaining effects the overall development of the organization and the labor force. There should be comfortable relation between the human resources department and the employees to achieve productive results. The negotiated contracts are aimed to protect the interest of both parties. It has been proved favorable to secure rights for any organization and its employees. However this was not the situation in the Boston Police Strike of…
You observe that you would be negligent in duties as a manager if you did not carry on with an open mind to choice and demands concerning the company and employees. The biasness minded manager is not able to resolve the issues with wisdom approaches. Thus go with clear mind towards problem solution.The residual theory of management rights has managers principally only looking out for their own rights. This, after a lot judgment, is no means to run a flourishing business. The residual theory is release to the information that there could be worth behind any demands made by the union of employees. As the union is the voice of your employees, their demands require to be looked at as imperative. As an executive you require to demonstrate good confidence to your employees and be keen to argue their concerns and work on a contract that is acceptable to both labor and management or executive. This directs to worker satisfaction…
This assignment is centred on understanding the role of the middle manager in my organisation, and the way in which it works.…
Employment and Labor law initially arose out of protection for employee as a result of the outcomes being one-sided towards employers. There are four categories dealing with employment law. The most famous of these is the Employment at Will which is also known as the Law of Wrongful discharge to many. Pay and Benefits is another category to be mindful of when thinking in terms of Labor Law, this category also includes safety and privacy issues for the employee. The third category deals with Union-management relationship, and last but not least is discrimination and harassment. Who has what responsibility in these sensitive issues is what we are going to discuss within this document.…
This case is the first in a series of four cases that presents a business situation in which a traditional retailer decides to employ Internet technology to expand its sales opportunities. It requires the student to employ traditional job order cost- ing techniques and then requests an evaluation of the resulting product costs. (Related to Chapter 2, Job Order Costing.)…
| * Employers have the rights to set up the business aims. This means that the employees cannot choose how to work or in what way the company should operate because this job is for the employer. * Employers are able to take the decisions while the employees, just do the tasks set by their bosses. This simply shows that the employees are under the control of their employer. * Only the employer can take disciplinary…
4. Richard L.H. and Katherine C. B. 2005. Becoming a Strategic Leader, Jossy-Bass Publisher, USA…
A) H&S and business. For example we’re having a clinical audit in a month and I know in the business plan the goal is to get 3 yrs certification so these are always being referred to and considered and brought into the regular staff meetings and catch-ups.…
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