Dr. SHAWN WONG 6 July 2013
I. Introduction
1.1 Company background HK Garment Company has established in 2010 by Mr. Phan Manh Hung and Mrs. Huynh Thi Huong in Russia with 10 employees. The company located at Vladimir district and 110km from Moscow and this is a family business. The HK Garment Company has produced sport clothing and supply for Liublino market and Sadovo market (the two biggest markets at Moscow). At the beginning, this company just supplies a small amount of products for some small traders. However, the company stills a black garment company because these employees are illegal immigration. And the company is protected by black power or mafia. Furthermore, employees’ health and safety are also a big problem for the owner. The employees cannot go to hospital because they are illegal labor. Later on, the HK Company has shifted their business to become a ‘white’ company; it means they become a legal company. Until now, they have operate the company with 100 legally employees and they are one of the biggest supplier for the two market.
1.2 Research title, Questions and Objectives Research title: Employees Health and Safety in HK Garment Company in Russia In Russia, for many years ago, many Vietnamese opened garment factory to produce clothing and sell for the market. Until now, it still an attractive business in Russia, more and more business man open factory, however most of factories are illegal. They have hired labor from Vietnam and these labors are illegal immigration. So, Health and Safety of employees are very low, the owner not focus on
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