As a first time manager my short term goal (next 2-3 years) is to establish myself in my current role and develop my management skills. Drucker (2005) discusses the importance of working to my strengths, having good self-awareness and an understanding how I perform. As part of my career goal I would like to complete the relevant tertiary education (MBA) to equip me with the tools to enable my success.
As a medium term goal (next 3-5 years) my aim is to move up into a regional management position to further develop my practical experience, expand my area of expertise from predominantly mortgage sales to a broader scope of business management and develop a network of associates that will support my goals. “Nothing can move your career further and faster than having a base of associates positioned to support you and your goals” (Calano & Salzman, 1988, p. 244)
I am aware that in order to achieve my longer term goal of becoming an executive manager for a Mutual or “not-for-profit” organisation, I need to develop not just my own personal awareness but also an awareness of those around me. Buckingham (2005) asserts that in order to be a truly great manager you need to be able to discover what is truly unique about each person and then capitalize on it.
My current employer is invested in developing organisational capabilities through staff development, they encourage positive employee behaviour, are experimental in their approach and motivate through commitment, all of which are “Theory O” styles (Beer & Nohira 2000). By aligning myself with such an employer I have an excellent opportunity to enhance and compliment my practical experience with tertiary education. Another opportunity I see is the fact that my current employer is also growing and expanding, which in turn will create pathways if I am able to successfully develop in the short to medium term.
About Myself
References: Beer, M. & Nohira, N 2000, ‘Cracking the code of change’, Harvard Business Review, Vol.78, No.3 (May/Jun 2000), p133-141. Coutu, D.L, 2002, ‘How resilience works’, Harvard Business Review, V.80, No. 5, May, p46-51. Cryer, B, 2003, ‘Pull the plug on stress’, Harvard Business Review, Vol.81, No.7, July, p.102-107. Drucker, P, 2005, ‘Managing oneself’, Harvard Business Review, January, pp. 100-109. Hunsaker, P. L, 2004, Management: a skills approach, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2nd Ed. Kolb, D. (1985), Learning style inventory, McBer and Company, Boston. Pfeffer, J. (1998), The human equation, Building profits by putting people first, Harvard Business School Press, Boston. Schuler, R.S, 1980, Organisational Behavior and Human Performance, p.189.