I. Introduction 3
II. Management and communication styles 4
2.1. Categories of management styles 4
2.2. Communication styles 5
III. Organization’s communication climate 7
3.1. Organizations 7
3.2. Communication management 7
3.3. Communication climate 8
3.4. How to establish a healthy communication climate 9
IV. Conclusions 11
V. Bibliography 12
I. Introduction
Communication is necessary to effective management. Studies have revealed that managers spend over 60 per cent of their working time in scheduled and unscheduled meetings with others, about 25 per cent of their time doing desk-based work, some 7 per cent on the telephone and 3 per cent walking on the job. Furthermore, it has been shown that communication, especially oral skills, is a key component of success in the business world. Executives who hire college graduates believe that oral communication skills will become even more important for career success. Communication, through both formal and informal channels, is the lifeblood of any organization. In reading about communication environments, channels, processes, systems, and hierarchies, we sometimes lose sight of the essence of the communication act: it is profoundly human. At the center of every organization are people held together by cooperation. These connections are maintained by people sharing information with each other. The result is a delicate network of human relationships linked through communication. In these networks, information is a commodity. It has value, can be exchanged and is crucial to the success of launching a project, selling a product, or marketing a service.
II. Management styles
It is most likely that well-known leaders or managers are successful due to a combination of personal characteristics and good training. Managers deal with their employees
Bibliography: 1. Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor, II, Looking out, looking in, 2010, Cengage Learning 2. Susanne C. Moser, Lisa Dilling, Creating a climate for change, 2007, Cambridge University Press 3. Ayub Ilfandy, Impact of organizational technological chance on communication climate, 2011, Lambert Academic Publishing 4. Aubrey C. Sanford, Gary T. Hunt, Hyler J. Bracey, Communication behavior in organizations, 1976, Merril 5. Herman S. Roodman, Zelda Roodman, Management by communication, 1973, Methuen Publications -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. Redding, W. C., 1972, Communication within the organization: An interpretive review of theory and research, Industrial Communication Council.