In the first lesson of the discipline of Business English, students were asked to discuss and submit brief answers the following questions: 1. Define a Manager 2. Define Management 3. Define an Administrator 4. What is the difference between them? 5. What are the key activities of a Manager?
Various answers were given and were grouped so that each student make comments arguing or supporting the ideas presented in class. It is in this perspective that the following is the questions raised and the answers given and also my position in relation to these answers. 1. Define a Manager
Answer 1: A person who thinks about Strategic Planning.
This answer is very generic and doesn’t fit into Manager’s responsibility. Development of Strategic Planning is a collegial process that should involve as appropriate: * those who will be implementing the plan (e.g. management, staff, volunteers); * those who will be affected (e.g. members, users, etc); * those who will monitor its implementation (e.g. Management Committee); and * Others who can contribute to its development (e.g. community activists, funding bodies, etc).
Answer 2: A person who works through the people to achieve organizational goals.
This answer is applicable for management concept as indicated by Gomez-Mejia, Luis R.; David B. Balkin and Robert L. Cardy (2008) who defined management as "the art of getting things done through people".
Answer 3: A person responsible for achieving goals
Answer 4: A person with ability to lead people to achieve aims
Answer 5: A person who combines resources to achieve certain objective
The three answers include some relevant aspects in the manager's responsibilities such as planning, coordination, and leadership, however, an incomplete. According to Robert N. Lussier(2003), a manager is responsible for achieving organization objectives through efficient and effective use of resources. Efficient refers to doing