The Problem and Its Background
Introduction Hospitality Industry is broad and diverse; organizations within it share some things in common. One is the need for staff members with a variety of knowledge, skills and experience to produce the products and services that are needed or desired by consumers. Each job has specific requirements. Anyone who is capable of meeting those requirements become effective in job performance. These requirements are in the form of various technical and behavioural skills, and hotels around the world are struggling to attract and retain qualified workers as skilful workers are essential to provide good quality services to customers, hotels with higher ranking should provide better services than lower ranking hotels, the classification system is related to the price and also the quality but no matter what star-ranking a hotel is, the customers still expect the very basic quality services from it.
Background of the Study Upon joining the managerial ranks of an organization, aspiring manager must possess certain skills that will enable them to perform their tasks successfully. In many ways, the skills that managers possess in the organization are the most valued resources of the organization. Poor managerial skills can defeat the most successful activities and in many cases can lead to the demise of the organization.
Robert L. Katz suggests that three important managerial skills that must be cultivated and enhanced by the organization are technical, human, and conceptual. The degree of development a manager has in each of these three skills will have a strong impact not only upon the success of the organization but also upon the career success of the manager. Therefore, for those students who aspire to be managers need to know or at least be aware in the required skills for them to be effective in their desired position in the industry.
Setting of the Study
Figure 1.1
The study will take place at Arellano