I know a lot of my risks come from decisions I make towards my daughter. For example is sending her to private school for pre-k actually going to benefit her in the long haul or is it just putting a huge hole in my wallet? Is what she learning there worth the stretch in the budget? As a runner I take risks with my life. If I run late at night on an isolated trail I am risking that nothing will happen to me as far as being attacked or tripping in the dark and getting injured. The book was correct when it mentioned that risk management is a huge part of common sense. Risk management exists because of the question IF I do this Then the outcome is that. Life is made of choices; you can’t go an hour without using risk management. Well, let me rephrase, any competent person can’t go very long without choosing to do some sort of risk analysis. Risks are existent and everywhere whether we realize it at the time or not which is why it is important to acknowledge the certainty of things not always going as planned. IF I accept the risk exists THEN I can decrease the adverse effect of these risks. The ATOM Risk Management Process is designed to be a simple, scalable format for performing risk management that can be applied to any project. Why do you think that it is a benefit to carry out a risk management process?
Risk management may no longer be a choice for project management. It seems if you don’t include risk management in projects you can’t obtain the full benefits of all your efforts. I think that businesses have learned quickly