1. How would you describe your position? **
A brand leadership position that combines deep understanding of consumer behavior with strategic thinking and execution of creative messages that help brands connect with consumers.
2. What would you say is your greatest weakness?
Being a perfectionist and believer in process, at times I will delay moving forward with a decision until we have more information on hand. Sometimes you need to move forward recognizing that 80% of the information is all you need to decide.
3. What are your greatest strengths?
I am a brand builder that teaches people how to win.
4. What tools or habits do you use to keep organized?
I continually update to-do lists and make extensive use of Evernote, an app that lets you synch your notes across all your digital devices. Electronic calendar is a must.
5. What opportunities are available to you for growth?
I can either move into a general management position (division President or CEO), or join a new/growing company as head of marketing.
6. How do you motivate your subordinates? **
I encourage creativity and risk-taking after they have presented a strong business case, let them take ownership of managing their projects and then publicly give them credit for successful programs.
7. What do you enjoy most about the profession? The least? **
I enjoy solving a different problem every day and that each day is never like the day before. I dislike when people in other positions put too much emphasis on marketing solving all of a brand’s problems vs. other important functions (e.g., customer service).
8. What are your short and long term goals?
Short term, to drive sales to support our annual business goals. Long term is to have consumers fall in love with our brand experience so that other brands are far second, third choices or no choice at all.
9. What do you think are three key abilities of a good manager? **
Be an active listener, encourage