>Most creditnote for cancelled invoices, goods returned or goods not shipped are issued by Alex.
Once the creditnote has been issued against a particular invoice, the first thing is to search for the invoice to which the creditnote was issued for and make sure the details are all correct on DebiteurBeheer.fsl Form (i.e all details match in terms of amount, Firmnaam, Datum etc)
>Press CTRL+Z (Command Z) on the keyboard while you cursor is on Factuurno on DebituerBeheer.fsl. Input the invoice number and press OK.
>While still on DebitteurBeheer.fsl, pick the klantnr (Copy CTRL+C) then open the klantpf3.fsl Form to search for the client. While your cursor is on Klantnummer (top right corner), press CTRL+Spacebar (Command Spacebar) on your keyboard then paste the client number you copied from DebituerBeheer.fsl form onto the Klantnr column and press Enter.
>once you click on enter, go to the Facturen Tab pick the date which the creditnote was issued and then open Boekhouding2012.fsl form
>While in Boekhouding.fsl form, Click on Memoriaal then input the date when the creditnote was actually issue and the EID of the person doing the booking off.
Next, click on Nieuw Button and while on the 1st table, third column (Ref.no), type the creditnote invoice number that was issued and on the fourth column (Gno.) type code 1200 (General Debtors codeno). This will show the actual client and the actual amount being credited.
On the 2nd table just still on Boekhouding.fsl form, press Nieuw Button and input the actual invoice that is being credited on the 1st column (Referentieno) then type 1200 (GB No) and click enter.
This will now show the client whose invoice has been credited and the amount will now be negative meaning it has been credited.
Procedure when the invoice pricing per product is higher than quotation
>Normally occurs when a client is sent an invoice who’s pricing per product appears