SULAIMAN ABDULLAHI KARWAI, Ph.D, fmca, mnim, mimc,
Importunate secret cult activities have created a culture of fear and turned many tertiary institutions into centres of violence, where Fear, anxiety and insecurity of lives and properties are the order of the day. These scenarios have resulted in poor learning, poor performance and low academic attainment. The objective of this study is how to eradicate cultism from our tertiary institutions so as to enable them to produce the much needed high level manpower for overall national development. The study is an expository work based on the survey of literature. It relies on secondary data obtained from relevant sources such as conference proceedings, journal articles and the Internet. The study concluded that lack of home training, lack of adequate guidance and counselling in the institutions of learning, lack of virile student unionism and the near absence of intellectual activities in many tertiary institutions are some of the factors that contributed to the creation of cultism and violence in tertiary institutions. The study recommended that The Committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities and other stakeholders should adopt a common approach to managing the problem of cultism.
The last two decades have witnessed secret cult violence in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Universities, polytechnics, colleges of education and other tertiary institutions have experienced unwarranted intimidation executed by members of secret cults. These institutions include university of Ibadan, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ogun State University, University of Jos, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Ahmadu Bello University, University of Benin, University of Calabar, Delta State University, Abraka, Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa, Oko Polytechnic, Auchi Polytechnic, Yaba college
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