“Diversity has fast become the master key for unchaining the growth lock, for any truly global enterprise to reach stupefying capacities”
Globalization powered by the information technology revolution throws a hue of possibilities and challenges that did not exist before. This phenomenon has not only made borders porous, but also shrunk the world into what is called a global village. Any nation big or small is increasingly getting affected by the happenings in any other part of the world.
The tremendous growth in international business in the last two decades propelled by globalization has encouraged an enormous mobility of workforce or rather work around the world than ever before thereby, bridging the distances of geographies. In the process tastes, food habits, cultural productions, consumer goods and consuming habits and political ideas float and wander the almost contour less world without any hindrance. Although globalization has closed down on the physical distance between the people of the world, there is still a wide chasm of cultural differences that is there in the workforce of every global organization. Every organization functions within the cultural system of the society in which it is located and when organizational operations transcend geographical borders the cross cultural environment affects and shapes its organizational culture.
Diversity is “the ways in which we differ as individuals or organizations and the commonalities and similarities that justify and motivate diverse people and entities to work collaboratively together, in order to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.” Diversity is the variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined system.
An aspect of cultural diversity which refers to looking at differences between people inside the work organization is called workforce