Government need to provide economic incentives for company to protect environment when they operating business. Reducing pollution though may incur extra costs to firm but in the long run it will benefit the business and the whole society. So government had carried out some regulations and some organizations, like EPA, to control the pollution that company made. There are three major pollutions that the federal government regulates: air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. Air pollution results mainly from industrial processes and motor vehicle emissions. Buildings, crop fields, natural landscapes and people’s health are all affected by the air waste. The six criteria pollutants, which are carbon monoxide, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone, that are the common indicators to examine the level of air condition. One of the most important problems is the acid rain that formed by the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can damage the ecosystems of lakes, farms, and forests. It’s hard to control because the adverse consequences, so regulation like Clean Air Act has set bunch of standards to restrict the emission of acid rain. Water pollution can hardly be diluted and carried away because the waterways. Organic wastes, chemical industrial processes and the disposal of non-biodegradable products can heavily pollute water and then decreasing crop yields, people’s health and quality of life. The Clean Water Act has imposed to restore the integrity of all surface water in the United State by regulating industrial emission and set requirements for most point source of pollution. And Safe Drinking Water Act sets minimum standards for public water system and aquifers. Land pollution including both solid and hazardous waste, though land is a kind of renewable resources but chemical and toxic waste for commercial use can still harm the land badly. So government and