Managing Oneself
Off Campus Assignment (self & subordinates)
Dear All, Doing the exercise based on Peter Drucker's article was insightful. Please do the application exercise on similar lines with your subordinate(s).
1. Give the article on Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker to your subordinates and get the attached document filled by them. (for subordinates)
2. Please collect it from all the subordinates, study step 2 and step 4, and find out the possible areas of improvement of team efficiency. (for self)
3. Working on building trusting relationship with the subordinate(s) (you may refer to 13 behaviors of high trust people by Peter Drucker or any other), and focusing on step 5 (of subordinates), prepare a table of; (for self) • What to do? • When to do? • What is required (logistics/trainings etc).
← The following document is to be filled by your peers/subordinate(s)
Towards Managerial Effectiveness
Managing Oneself
Off-Campus Assignment (for peers/subordinates)
Read the article “Managing Oneself” by Peter Drucker. The article focuses on self-assessment. It would be worth while spending some time in completing the following exercise.
Follow the 5 steps given below and give your response.
Step 1: • List 3 achievements over the past 3 years for which you’ve taken largely personal credit. • Assign a degree of importance to 3 skills:
|Skills |Achievement 1 |Achievement 2 |Achievement 3 |
|Human Skills | | | |
|Technical Skills | | | |
|Conceptual Skills | | |