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Abstract 4
1.0 Introduction 5
2.0 About Gate Gourmet 5
3.0 Systems that enable efficient use of input resources and their impact on output of goods and services supplied by Gate Gourmet 6 3.1 Transformation Process 6 3.2 Production Techniques 6 1. Cuisine Sous-Vides 6 2. Hot Filling 6 3. Modified Atmosphere Packing 6 4. Food Safety Checks and Assurance Systems 7 5. Gate Serve Provisioning services 7 6. Post Flight Aircraft Stripping 7 2. Existence of Trade-offs within Gate Gourmet and challenges faced by following this approach 8
4.0 Supply Chain Management issues and supplier selection 9 4.1 Supply Chain 9 2. Supply Chain Management 9 3. Impact of integrated system in the management of suppliers and supplier selection 9 1. Alpha Flight Group 9 2. Pourshins 10 3. Supplair 10 4. DeSter 10 5. Potmstudios 11 6. Harmony 11 4. Recommendations for less advanced suppliers to establish consistent standard of operations with the supply chain activities 11
5.0 ERP System 12 5.1 Scala 12 1. E-Gatematrix 12 1. Challenges faced by the company in implementing ERP System 12 2. ERP implementation problems and solutions 13
References: 2. Supply Chain Management Effective supply chain management is the coordination between the various players in the chain and each channel member operates independently (Ganeshan R & Harrison T, 1995). The genuine trick for the integration is the free flow of information, cooperation and respecting each business’s independence (Andersen, 2008: 30).