Managing Organisations
In the present society, the whole world 's economy is composed by numerous companies and organisations. The managers are considered imperative to the operation of a company since they have to plan, organise, lead and control the whole organisation, in order to ensure the healthy operation of the whole company. "A manager is someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organisational goals can be accomplished. "(Robbins, Berman, Stagg and Coulter 2008, p. 8) In general, the managers play various roles such as interpersonal roles, informational and decisional roles in a specific organisation. (Robbins, Berman, Stagg and Coulter 2008, p. 13) "The evidence suggests that they play a complex, intertwined combination of interpersonal informational, and decisional roles."(Henry Mintzberg, 1975, p. 49) Interpersonal roles are managerial roles that involve people and other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature. (Robbins, Berman, Stagg and Coulter 2008, p. 13) Henry mintzberg (2008) states three interpersonal roles, describing aspects of the manager 's work that involves interpersonal contact for its own sake. (p. 13) It suggests that interpersonal roles seem necessary and essential for the managers to maintain the business because the organisation is composed by people. It is important to find a good way to communicate with other employees and other levels of managers for a specific manager. During this essay, I will discuss the importance of the interpersonal roles that managers are required to perform, in order to get the most outcome of the business effectively and efficiently.
Firstly, the figurehead role the manager plays is the first and the most important role in a particular organisation. In figurehead role, the manager is seen as an authority symbol carrying out social, legal, and ceremonial duties on behalf of the organisation. (Michael L. Cook, 1994, p. 42) The queen of the Great Britain plays somewhat figurehead role.
References: Robbins, Berman, Stagg and Coulter (2008) Management, 5th edition, 2008, Person Education Australia, French Forest, NSW
Henry Mintzberg, (1975) The manager 's job Folklore and fact, Harvard Business Review, 49-61
Michael L. Cook, (1994) The Role of Management Behaviour in Agricultural Cooperatives 42-43
Henry Mintzberg, (1990) The manager 's job Folklore and fact, Harvard Business Review, 168
Edgar H. Schein, (2004) The organizational culture and leadership defined, 3rd edition, A wiley imprint, Market Street, San Fransisco, USA
Henry Mintzberg, (1990) A New look at the Chief Executive 's Job, Harvard Business Review, 21-24