Table of Contents
Organization Overview 4
Organization Description 4
The Company Mission 4
The Organization – SEAD 4
The CEO – Jon Shreve 5
Leadership Practices 6
Relationship Between Leadership and Organizational Culture 7
SWOT Analysis 9
Organizational Strengths 9
Technical Skills 9
Strategic Thinking 10
Organizational Weaknesses 11
Under-developed Leadership 11
Failing to deliver quality results 11
Organizational Opportunities 12
Political Forces - Obamacare 12
Economic Forces - Cloud Computing 13
Organizational Threats 14
Leadership Evaluation 16
Leadership Strengths 17
Innovative Thinking 17
Future-Facing 17
Managing Relationships 18
Leadership Weaknesses 19
Lack of formal higher education in executive staff 19
Weakness of Human Skills 19
Lack of Systems Thinking 20
Recommendations for Leadership Development 21
Lead with Humility (Level 5 Leadership) 21
Engage in Interactive Leadership 22
Practice Authentic Leadership 22
References 23
Organization Overview
The focus of this section is to provide a description of the Software Engineering and Development (SEAD) organization at MCG, the leadership practices of the company’s CEO, and the link between the CEO’s leadership practices and the SEAD organizational culture.
This department and leader were chosen for two reasons. First, the SEAD organization underwent many changes over the past 3 years due primarily to the CEO’s leadership decisions, including a complete reorganization to align to Agile methodologies, and an acquisition to Hearst. Second, political forces governing healthcare and innovations in IT management due to cloud computing, in the same timeframe, had tremendous impact to the healthcare industry as a whole, the MCG company specifically, and the organization culture of the development department.
Organization Description
The Company Mission
According to their website, MCG provides evidenced-based medical guidelines and case management services to
References: Bersin, J. (2013, 9 12). Millennials Will Soon Rule The World: But How Will They Lead? Retrieved 11 4, 2014, from Cherry, K Cognizant. (n.d.). Overcoming IT Challenges. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Daft, R Donnelley, T. (n.d.). How To Get Feedback From Employees. Retrieved September 10th, 2014, from Jack Zenger, K MCG. (2014). Our Difference. Retrieved September 9, 2014, from MCG Merriam-Webster. (2014). Dictionairy. Retrieved September 9, 2014, from Mind Tools Mountain Goat Software. (2014). New to Agile and Scrum. Retrieved September 10, 2014, from Nick Bloom, S Nick Bloom, S. D. (2007). Management Practice & Productivity: Why They Matter. Management Matters, 3. Pantha Corp. (n.d.). Continuous Delivery for Business. Retrieved September 10, 2014, from Rouse, M Salesforce. (n.d.). Cloud Computing. Retrieved October 28, 2014, from Ungar, R Ward Cunningham. (2001). Agile Manifesto. Retrieved September 10, 2014, from From: