This essay aims to explore the behaviour of an individual child. It will briefly introduce the child and their background; it will then examine the behaviour that is being exhibited and look into the possible reasons behind it. Finally it will suggest possible strategies for effectively managing the behaviour along with clear success criteria and possible review techniques. It will also explore some of the constraints that may be faced when implementing these strategies.
Firstly it is necessary to understand a little about Paul’s background and his family situations. However, the information was provided through the school office, the NQT support teacher, and his mother none of the information …show more content…
that follows is of first hand experience and so may bring with it the different views, opinions and biases of the informers.
Paul is a nine-year-old English boy who lives with his mother, his two younger brothers aged five and seven and his younger sister aged eighteen months. His father no longer lives with the family and according to his mother he hasn’t done for quite some time. According to Paul’s mother he used to have a positive attitude towards school and friends, however, she suggests that recently he has become disinterested and can become aggressive when he is upset. She suggests that Paul’s mood swings between being helpful and pleasant and aggressive or withdrawn.
Paul changed schools when the family moved to a new area and between arriving on the first of December 2006 and the twelfth of January 2007 Paul has received twelve late marks but no absences. His mother states that Paul shares a bedroom with his two younger brothers and that it can be ten o’clock by the time the younger ones are in bed, which seems to suggest that Paul does not get to bed until after ten o’clock. This appears to tie in with he view that Paul seems tired at school, yawning and having dark circles under his eyes. She proposes that Paul makes excuses and finds reasons not to be ready on time for school.
It is suggested that in school Paul’s attainment at school is below average for his age and that he shows particular difficulty in literacy especially reading, comprehension and spelling. Paul does have an IEP (Individual Education Plan) that highlights three main areas of concern. The first area of concern is social interaction; this seems to be due to his particular disinterest in forming and maintaining relationships with both his peers and other adults, evidence of this is seen in the observations especially the playtime observation (see appendix 2: playtime observation). Although, it is suggested that he does seem to respond to one to one interaction with his class teacher. His mother also suggests that he does have a good friendship with his cousin whom he sees at the weekends. This shows that Paul is capable of forming productive relationships.
Another strand of the IEP is concentration, however, it was noted in the IEP review that this had been slightly improved and that the incidents of Paul being out of his seat had been decreased through a picture checklist of the resources that he needed.
In respect to the behavioural strand of Paul’s IEP, there seems to be no clear improvement (see appendix 1: IEP review). It therefore appears that the strategies that are currently in place are not benefiting the child. This could be because the current strategies are focusing solely on one issue. In light of this it may be necessary to take a more overall approach to managing Paul’s behaviour. This is known as a holistic approach.
“Learning and behaviour difficulties are rarely attributable to single uncomplicated causes. They are usually the result of a complex interaction of different factors, some of which are visible, while others are ‘hidden’ amongst features of the setting in which they …show more content…
occur.” (Jones and Charlton, 1996, p5)
Jones and Charlton (1996) continue this argument and suggest that if professionals only implement strategies that address individual causes they are likely to only produce temporary solutions. Although this argument is valid it is still necessary, in considering strategies for Paul, to look at some of the individual incidents that occurred. Only once the incidents and behaviours have been explored can a holistic approach be taken. In order to do this it was necessary to have some observations done in a range of circumstances including numeracy, literacy, PE, art and at playtime (see appendices 2,3,4 and 5). These observations were completed by the classroom assistant and therefore may reflect her own opinions and ideas about the situations that occurred it could also be argued that the observer’s presence may have had an impact upon the behaviour. Observations within the classroom appear to show that Paul finds it difficult to sustain concentration and focus during whole class, group and individual activities. This seems to result in him finding it difficult to start and finish the work that is set for him. These observations also give the impression that Paul is not interested in working or playing with his peers. He will not share or take turns with equipment and often distances himself when he is supposed to be working in a group. This is particularly prominent in the numeracy observation where it is stated that ‘[Paul] Will not take turns. Insists on first use of equipment. Will not be reasoned with and other child will not back down.’ (See appendix 3: Numeracy observation) It was initially suggested that Paul had an interest in both art and PE; however, the results of the observations appear to show that Paul’s behaviour difficulties have extended to these areas of the curriculum. Paul continued to give the impression of being withdrawn and disinterested during the PE lesson (see appendix 4: PE observation) and his aggressive and explosive behaviour seemed to be demonstrated during the art lesson (see appendix 5: Art observation).
During the playtime observation (see appendix 2:Playtime observation) Paul, again, appeared to have purposely isolated himself from the other children, he was reluctant to go out to play and then he was reluctant to come back to the classroom.
It appears from the observations, information and the IEP review that Paul is exhibiting signs of Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD). The Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2001) states that emotional and behavioural difficulties are indicated by examples of withdrawn or disruptive behaviour; a persistent inability to concentrate; considerable frustration or distress in relation to their learning difficulties; difficulties in establishing and maintaining balanced relationships with pupils or adults; and any other evidence of a delay in social skills.
Of course it is not the purpose of the essay to label Paul with a specific difficulty, however, it is helpful to discuss the issues in the context of special educational needs in order to suggest possible strategies that would be effective in managing the behaviour in a holistic manner. It is suggested by Cumine, Leach and Stevenson (2000) that understanding the reasons behind the behaviour may help to implement effective strategies. They suggest that some behaviours are done in order to satisfy certain needs. Paul’s Behaviour seems to serve two main functions. Being withdrawn, disengaged from tasks and acting out all seem to result in Paul escaping from or delaying the task at hand. The second possible function of Paul’s behaviour could be attention seeking. This could be because Paul does not receive the attention that he craves both at home and at school and feels that the only way to receive this attention is through negative behaviour. “Teachers who pay a lot of attention to misbehaviour and ignore good behaviour can unwittingly signal to children that the best way to receive attention is through displays of inappropriate behaviour.” (Jones and Charlton, 1996, p 14)
There are undoubtedly hundreds of different strategies that could be used in an attempt to effectively manage Paul’s behaviour and support his learning. However, due to the nature of this essay it is necessary to focus upon a small number of issues and suggest strategies, which could lay the foundations for future development. Many writers, including (Jones and Charlton (1996), Porter (2000) and Docking (2001)) indicate the importance of involving the child and the parents in the process of the behaviour management. Therefore the first step to take would be to have a meeting whereby everyone involved would be able to express their views and ideas on how best to approach the issues. This would also ensure that Paul was aware of the reasons behind the intervention and may then feel that he then had some control over the situation. It would also improve the possibility of the strategies being continued at home. One issue that seems to be having an effect on all aspects of Paul’s learning and behaviour are his social skills.
From personal experience both as a teacher and as a pupil it is possible to see how poor social skills could have an impact. It could be argued that a child’s education is one long social interaction. Pupils are interacting with adults and peers on a daily basis, listening to instructions and sharing ideas. Paul’s inability or unwillingness to interact with adults and peers in an appropriate manner could be forming a barrier to his learning and in turn could be a large contributor to Paul’s inappropriate behaviour. Many established writers including Fox (2001), Moyles (2005) and Riddall-Leech (2003) propose that the ability or inability to interact has a major influence upon a child’s learning and
behaviour. Moyles (2005) suggests that a child is less likely to learn well and profit from school if they do not have the social skills necessary to make friends and develop positive relationships with both adults and their peers. Therefore, the first strategy that would be used would be regular opportunities for circle time. Docking (2001) supports the idea of circle time and suggests that it is an ‘invaluable’ strategy for helping children to express themselves in a safe environment. Docking goes on to state that:
“Because it [circle time] promotes a positive school ethos and helps to promote feelings of honesty, openness, trust and belonging to the community, it has important implications for reducing unwanted behaviour and encouraging good behaviour.” (Docking, 2001, p 61)
Circle time would give Paul the opportunity to interact with the teacher and his peers in a non-threatening and supportive environment. If this strategy was effective it would hopefully lead to Paul feeling valued and supported and eventually may lead to him being able to forge friendships and thus improving his ability to interact appropriately with his peers. Of course this change would not happen immediately it might need to be used regularly over a period of a few weeks before any improvement begins to show. If the strategy was not being effective after a month’s trial then it would be necessary to consider new ways of helping Paul to increase his ability to interact socially. The second strategy to be used would be one, which would allow Paul to monitor and record his own behaviour. A recent study by Jull (2006) discusses a pupil self-monitoring approach for pupils with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. This approach is known as ‘Auto-Graph’, it is a computer-based programme, which enables pupils to monitor and record their behaviour, which eventually leads to a graph, which displays the frequency, cause and consequences of their behaviour. Jull (2006) suggests, “Self-monitoring has proven effective as an intervention in schools, both in terms of increasing target behaviours and promoting generalised positive behavioural outcomes.” (Jull, 2006, p 18) This approach is similar to one suggested by the DfES (2004) which advocates the use of the ABC (Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence) approach with children. Is suggests that it allows children to develop an awareness of the cause and effect of their behaviour and it give the children time to explore their thoughts and feelings about the situation. The document also suggests that for those children who struggle with conversation or writing it may be useful to put the ABC system into a story board or cartoon strip. Giving Paul his own book in which he can write or draw the events of his behaviour and reflect on them in his own time may help him to realise the negative effects of his inappropriate behaviour and may encourage him to think about possible consequences of his actions. The book would also give the teacher an insight into how Paul was feeling at the time and would hopefully give the teacher an idea about what causes the behaviour in the first place.
During recent school experience this strategy has been witnessed and has shown itself to be very effective. As with the circle time approach this may take time to become fully effective. Therefore it is necessary to give the Paul time to get used to the strategy so that he feels comfortable and secure in what he is expected to do. If Paul struggled to present the information in written form then it may be necessary to consider using a tape recorder into which Paul can explain what happened and how it made him feel without having to struggle to put his thoughts down on paper. So far the strategies have focused upon Paul’s negative behaviour, however, it is necessary to remember that not all of Paul’s behaviour is negative. Therefore the third strategy would be one, which focuses upon the positive behaviour that Paul exhibits.
“By recognising students when they conform to your standards, you will motivate them to repeat appropriate behaviour and so reduce the disruptive behaviour, increase their self-esteem, create a positive environment for the class, and build positive relationships between you and each student.”
(Porter, 2000, p 26)
The most common way to recognise positive behaviour is to provide rewards. This idea dates back to the behaviourist approaches developed by Pavlov and Skinner in the early twentieth century. The idea is that whenever a child demonstrates positive behaviour they are rewarded in one way or another thus reinforcing the positive behaviour so that the child is more likely to repeat this behaviour in the future.
In recent experience in schools, almost every class teacher had had their own way of rewarding positive behaviour, methods such as table points, merits and golden time are amongst the most common. These methods give children an incentive to behave in an acceptable manner.
Praise can be a simple yet effective way of reinforcing positive behaviour, this seems to be particularly true when dealing with children who appear to be seeking attention through negative behaviour as it provides the child with the attention they seek through different means. MacGrath (1998) suggests that it is important to notice even the smallest of improvements, in particular with pupils who demonstrate inappropriate behaviour.
Providing a visible chart in the classroom would allow children to track their own achievements and help to encourage them to behave appropriately. Paul would be given a star for the chart when he exhibits positive behaviour including, staying in his seat during lessons, interacting positively with his peers, trying hard with his work and having a productive playtime. Once Paul receives ten stars on his chart then a certificate would be sent home to his mother so that she is involved in the reward system. If it appeared that Paul did not like public rewards then the stars could be put on a private chart. This strategy would be a continuous one, which would evolve and develop with Paul’s improved behaviour.
The final thing to do would be another meeting with the parents, teacher and child to discuss the progress of the child and develop ways of taking the strategies further or changing them to suit the child. Regular meetings would be imperative in maintaining an effective way of managing Paul’s behaviour.
All of the strategies mentioned above are broad strategies, which aim to improve Paul’s behaviour. They take into account the needs of the child and the difficulties that he faces. However, they are based upon information which is not of first had experience. Therefore it cannot be said that these strategies are guaranteed to work. They are strategies, which are advocated by experts in the field of behaviour management, need to be considered as flexible. In real circumstances they would be reviewed and reconsidered by the class teacher on a daily basis and in reality could be adjusted accordingly. The strategies are also subject to the constraints of the classroom, time, resources and staffing, all of which are factors to consider in implementing strategies. However, the strategies suggested are aimed to be ones, which could be easily incorporated into the modern classroom.
Cumine, V., Leach, J. and Stevenson, G (2000) Autism in the Early Years: A Practical Guide. London: David Fulton Publishers.
DfES (2001) Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. London: DfES Publications.
DfES (2004) Primary National Strategy: Understanding Behaviour. London: DfES Publications.
Docking, J (2001) Managing Behaviour in the Primary School. 2nd Edition. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Fox, G. (2001) Supporting Children with Behaviour Difficulties: A Guide for Assistants in Schools. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Jones, K. and Charlton, T (1996) Overcoming Learning and Behaviour Difficulties: Partnership with Pupils. London: Routledge.
Jull, K (2006) Auto-Graph: Considering the utility of student self-monitoring for inclusive schools. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. Volume 6. Part 1. Pages 17-30.
MacGrath, M (1998) The Art of Teaching Peacefully: Improving Behaviour and Reducing Conflict in the Classroom. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Moyles, J (2005) The Excellence of Play. 2nd Edition. Berkshire: Open University Press.
Porter, L (2000) Behaviour in Schools: Theory and Practice for Teachers. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Riddall-Leech, S (2003) Managing Children’s Behaviour. Oxford: Heinemann Educational Publishers.