In 1995 when Daniel Goleman’s published his first book, Emotional Intelligence (EI) and becomes a hot topic in corporate of American when Harvard Business Review published an article in 1998; the article achieved the higher readers in past 40 years.
The Goleman Emotional Intelligence model is more emphasize on working with emotional intelligence. It related to skills of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.
Mayer and Salovey define the four abilities or skills as a ‘branches’. The branches are Emotional Facilitation, Identifying Emotions, Understanding Emotions and Management Emotions.
In the test on question “How confident am I in my abilities to succeed?”, my score is 38 and the score range is 17 to 85. Its show I’m weak in achieved my goals. On the test “How good am I building and leading the team?” my score is 83. This score able to tell I have a potential to be a team leader.
I’m belonging to type “ESFJ” from “What’s My Jungian 16-Type Personality?” test.
The possible best careers for me are social worker, optometrist, childcare worker or nun. One of my dreams is being charity volunteer when I was retired.
After identify my emotional intelligence and I had make improvements on my weaknesses to make myself more confident to achieve my goal. I also improve myself in building and leading the team so that I able to manage the team more effectively. The other is I had able to grow myself to be a global manager by open my mind to accept different culture people.
Table of Content:
1. Executive Summary: 1
2. Introduction. 2
2.1 Goleman Model 3
2.2 Salovey & Mayer Model . 5
3. My Personal Emotional Intelligence 6
3.1 Analysis: How Confident Am I In My Abilities To Succeed? 6
3.2 Analysis: How Good Am I Building And Leading A Team? 6
3.3 What’s My Jungian 16-Type Personality? 7
4. Identify Specific Changes To Your Behavior and How These Will