Darlington College
UNIT 5003
“Don 't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations.” Ralph Marston
There is no single good or best way of conducting performance management. But the overriding principle is that good performance management is equated with good management. It is about ensuring that managers manage effectively, that they communicate with the staff and that they understand what is expected of them, have the capability to deliver it and are motivated to deliver to the highest possible standard. 1. In relation to appraisal and the appraisal process
Managing employees ' performance is a continuous process. It involves making sure that the performance of employees contributes to the goals of their teams and the business as a whole.
The aim is to continuously improve the performance of individuals and that of the organisation.
In the 1970’s an approach to performance assessment was developed under the management by objective movement. It was called “result-orientated appraisal” because it incorporated the agreement of objectives and an assessment of the results obtained against these objectives. Ratings were usually retained of overall performance and in relation to individual objectives. This form of performance appraisal received a boost during the later 1980’s because of performance related pay based on performance rating. (Armstrong 's handbook of performance management: an evidence-based guide to delivering high performance 4th ed.)
2.1. The appraisal system conforming to the performance improvement cycle
There is, says Dulewicz (1989), "... a basic human tendency to make judgements about those one is working with, as well as about oneself."
Appraisal, it seems, is both inevitable and universal. In the absence of a carefully structured system of appraisal, people
Bibliography: Michael Armstrong, Angela Baron: Managing performance: performance management in action, CIPD Publishing, 2005 Michael Armstrong: Armstrong 's handbook of performance management: an evidence-based guide to delivering high performance 4th ed , Kogan Page Ltd, 2009 Thomas H Patten: A manager 's guide to performance appraisal: Pride, prejudice, and the law of equal opportunity, Free Press, New York, 1982 www.performance-appraisal.com – accessed on 19/01/2011 www.employment-studies.co.uk –accessed on 21/01/2011 www.learnmarketing.net- accessed on 21/01/2011 www.smartobjectives.org – accessed on 22/01/2011 www.businessballs.com – accessed on 22/01/2011