Cheryl Lewis-Bonner
Successful Project Management (PM 586)
Professor Durgin
November 19, 2012
Successful Project Management
Managing Project End-Date and Resource Allocation Project management is one of the most effective means by which to manage and control just about any project. Construction management, Information Technology, Engineering are just a few of the many fields that are positively complimented and capable of utilizing project management to benefit processes from beginning to end as well as providing a platform for inclusion of all team members and an excellent level of communication to keep shareholders, corporate boards fully informed about a project. In addition, it provides the Project Manager with a means to “overview” the status of the project without having to micromanage team members, and allows them the freedom and flexibility to utilize their talents. Project also points out weaknesses in the project and team members as well. So, the following areas will be points of discussion:
1. General project management practices.
2. Allocation of resources.
3. Resolution of over allocated resources.
General Project Management Practices All projects begin with a plan to get the work done. From there the project manager applies “best practices” based on his/her interaction with the owner, shareholders, and project team. On occasion there may be a tendency to “jump” right into the project without proper planning, but considerable time and money can be saved as well as increase in quality of the project. (Karim, 2011) So the following aspects to be included in the project definition would be:
1. Project overview, objectives, and scope.
2. Assumptions about the project, risks, and approach.
3. Organization, getting shareholders to approve and buy-in to and approve the project by signing the signature page for the project document.
4. The initial cost,