Managers play great role in a important stakeholder role because they have to make sure that the employees are doing the right job.…
A manager is a person who plans, controls, manages and directs a team of individuals. The job of manager is imperative for any organization. A manager can be a person who directs a business or enterprise or he can be a manager of accounts of a firm, organization or institute who controls expenditures and resources. In sports the manager is responsible for training, making strategies and performance of its athletes. The role of a manager in the success of any organization is vital and pivotal. The manager of any company is the person in charge of a team. He makes plans, directs his team, motivates0 them to achieve their goals. In a company, every department can have a manager, then all the managers usually have a manager. Here the role of each manager is almost the same, to manage the team. But the duties may vary according to the assignments. In short, one can say that the position of manager is the backbone of any company or organization. A successful Manager can uplift the status of the company, thus making it successful.…
A Health care manager is someone who administrates a department in a hospital, medical facility or medical office. “Every manager’s main duty is to succeed in helping the organization achieve high performance while utilizing all of the organization’s human and material resources (Lombardi and Schermerhorn, 2007).” A manager’s role takes on many tasks and skills that require the ability to interact with other people, exchange and process information, make decisions, and positively respond to changes. Managers must know how to plan, organize, lead, and control (Lombardi, 2007). All four functions are very important when it comes to managing any organization.…
One of the most multi-faceted roles in an organization is management. This includes ensuring that the company policies are well introduced to the company members, making crucial decisions for the company, and supervising people when the need arises. All these need to be done in order to achieve the business goals and growth. The managers also formulate all the company procedures and systems, while making sure that they always have programs that are geared towards motivating the employees. The truth about management is that it is greatly focused on the…
Managers have to bring changes into a company because some of the old ways of doing order or working with employees need to change. The manager responsibility is to make sure the changes which the company is implementing are done at a right pace and all the employees know the reason for the change. Some people at an organization are use to one way and not want to settle for anything they are not use to. It is up to the manager to change the minds of the individuals who do not want to make the change. The manager has to show the older way of the company is in need of change and if they do not change, it will make the organization lose clients and the work they use to do is much slower than everyone else who are doing the same work.…
In any organization today the most important responsibility of a manager is to motivate staff members. Motivating staff members can help an organization to ensure a productive and healthy work environment. The health care organization is important for managers to demonstrate a passion for what they do. In the health care organization when empowered staff members provide a proper care environment.…
Within the healthcare management this profession handles the direction of the organization and leadership within different department of the organization. “Healthcare organizations are complex and dynamic. The nature of organizations requires that managers provide leadership, as well as the supervision and coordination of employees” (Thompson,…
Functions of managers are to use strategy to improve productivity, growth, and effectiveness of the company in the future. Overseeing and plan the works of individuals by directing, planning, organizing, controlling, and coordinating others. They also recruit, influence, and train employees as well to do various jobs and tasks. Managers go by many different names or titles such as supervisor, and representative depending on the type of job that they hold. Managers should be committed to their patients and the image that they are trying to portray of themselves and the company.…
Management includes organization, planning, staffing, directing, and controlling. Management must optimize patient care and be fiscally responsible. Leader’s may not have an official role of authority, but may have the power through their ability to influence others. Leaders focus on interpersonal relationships, and may be known as mentors, coaches, advocates, or role models (Grand Canyon University, 2015). Both roles need to be able to influence through their motivation, morals, and values. Both need to be visionary thinkers. They need to need to have good conflict resolution skills and cope with multiple priorities.…
Today, health care managers are responsible for many things to make a health facility run efficiently. The management process includes: organization, planning, controlling and leading. Health care managers must be able to control. They must be able to determine how to measure their employees’ performances and take actions when needed to reassure desired levels of achievements are accomplished. Managers must be able to plan. They have to schedule employees that are able to complete the tasks needed to obtain the performance desired. They have to plan for any outcome, good or bad that may come their way. Health care managers have to be organized. They have to organize their employees and task to accomplish the work. Health care managers have to be leaders. They need to inspire their employees to work hard by giving examples of working hard themselves. This will encourage their workers to always strive to do their best (Lombardi & Schermerhorn, 2007). In my opinion, the management role consists of all these things, along with, time management, availability, and personality make-up.…
Managers are responsible for arranging and structuring work to assist in achieving organizational goals (Robins et al. 2012, p. 14). It is determining what tasks are to be completed, who is responsible for them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom and at…
Staffing sometimes called cost-per-hire include the costs of exit interviews, recruiting, job applications, screening applicants, relocation expenses and signing bonuses.…
Before anyone can answer the above question, they must define the roles of leadership and management. Both functions carry several different descriptions, diverse amounts of authority, and are interconnected at times. Some theorists have loosely said that "Leaders do the right things. Managers do things right." Other reports ambiguously labeled the two by indicating that "Leaders lead people while managers manage things" (McNamara, 1997). Distinguishing either position is very complex and is limited by an assortment of personal influences from the leader or manager and the organizational structure of the hospital…
Management is responsible for setting the expectations of how members should behave in a given situation. They should be followers as well as leaders.…
Managers have the job of organising and controlling resources. Their work is often described as 'getting things done with or through people'.…