The factories were not ideal working conditions. Edwin Chadwick described the factories “… atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close and over crowded dwellings. This made the adult population short-lived, reckless and intemperate” (Doc 6). With these working conditions men were not in the greatest health. Wheelan and Company on the other hand think that Manchester has remarkable features and are the workshop of the world (Doc 9). Since they are a business company all they care about is the money they are making off of it and they do not care about human welfare. This is best put by Flora Tristan she wrote, “If you visit a factory, it is easy to see that the comfort and welfare of the workers have never entered the builders head” (Doc 7). Alexis de Tocqueville a French visitor said the civilized man is turned back into a savage (Doc 5). Since he is a visitor to the country he will say whatever he wants or thinks about the situation and it will not affect him. With these examples it shows that the grimy factories were not good working conditions.
The increasing number of factories meant that more and more workers needed to work and all of the factories. Robert Southey an English Romantic poet wrote “where you hear from within the everlasting din of machinery, when the bell rings it is to call the wretches to their work instead of their prayers.” He also talks about the “frequent buildings among them as large as convents without their beauty”(Doc 2). Since he is a romantic poet he will not like the changes that the machines have taken on the