In many schools where no school uniforms were used, rules had to be implemented on clothing choices due to the inappropriate dress of many students. Some fashions, such as wearing underwear so everyone can see, or covering their heads with hoods have created problems in the management of schools. Some students are unable to differentiate between the appropriate clothes for school, and what they should wear to go out with their friends. We know that for some jobs we should wear certain clothing. If students wore uniforms to class they would be enabled to differentiate between appropriate clothing for their personal life, and their professional life or in this case, their academic activities. Some parents who are against school uniforms say school uniforms suppress the individuality of children. According to these parents, school uniforms inhibit creativity and self-expression, forcing students to follow certain rules.
However different types of clothing may make students feel discriminated against when unable to purchase the expensive clothing brands are worn by their peers. With the use of school uniforms these differences would not be as noticeable. Everyone would dress alike avoiding economic differences. In schools where school uniforms are used there is less discrimination and social pressure among students. Although most of the students would like to wear branded clothing or the latest fashion, not all parents can afford to buy them. Children who cannot buy this type of may feel exclusion, harassment and emotional stress at school. When children go to school in uniform, they may feel more equal. If they all wear the same pants, skirt, the same shirt, similar shoes, etc. It avoids social comparisons and many of them do not have to buy certain clothes to feel a part of a particular group. This is very important as it can have a considerable impact on the concept that the child has of himself.
Having the freedom to wear