“Democracy is about freedom” (Text 4, line 11). Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. All citizens should be required …show more content…
The system of mandatory voting is present in more than 30 democracies around the world and it actually worked out. “Some people might even interpret mandatory voting as a violation of the First Amendment’s prohibition of compelled speech.” It’s right that American citizens have the freedom of speech, but mandatory is actually not a violation because it’s not harmful for the citizens. Mandatory voting in fact is helping the citizens because when they choose themselves they cannot complain about it. Some people also think that mandatory voting is wrong because, “It is not consistent with the freedom associated with democracy” (Text 2, lines 17-18) well mandatory voting does not forces a person to choose a certain candidate it has many options, and then the person that’s voting has the freedom to choose whomever they want. People against mandatory voting say that they get many “random votes”, It still counts as a vote, at least people are participating voting in national