
Mangement Control Systems

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Mangement Control Systems
Management Accounting Research 23 (2012) 205–223

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Configuring management control systems: Theorizing the integration of strategy and sustainability
Jean-Pascal Gond a,∗ , Suzana Grubnic b,1 , Christian Herzig c,2 , Jeremy Moon c,3 a b c

Cass Business School, City University, 106 Bunhill Row, EC1Y 8TZ London, UK Loughborough University, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK Nottingham University Business School, International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Road, Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK

a r t i c l e

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a b s t r a c t
Although organizations have embraced the sustainability rhetoric in their discourse and external reporting, little is known about the processes whereby management control systems contribute to a deeper integration of sustainability within organizational strategy. This paper addresses this gap and mobilizes a configuration approach to theorize the roles and uses of management control systems (MCSs) and sustainability control systems (SCSs) in the integration of sustainability within organizational strategy. Building on Simons’ levers of control framework, we distinguish two possible uses of a MCS and a SCS—a diagnostic use and an interactive use—and we specify the modes of MCSs and SCSs integration. We rely on these two core dimensions to identify eight organizational configurations that reflect the various uses as well as their modes of integration of SCS and MCS. We characterize these ideal-type configurations, explain their impact on the triple bottom line, and describe which mechanisms allow organizations to move from one configuration to another. In so doing, we highlight various paths toward sustainability integration or marginalization within organizations. Finally, we explain how our framework can support future research on

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    References: Andriof & McIntosh (2001). Perspectives on Corporate Citizenship, Greenleaf, UK. Burns & Stackler (1961). The Management of Innovation, London. Buzzel, R. D. (1987). The PIMS principles. New York: Free Press. Chapmann, C.S. (1997). "Reflections On a Contingency View in Accounting", Accounting, Organisation and Society, vol. 22. Crosby (1980). Quality is Free, Mentor, London. Dale, G.D. (1999). Managing Quality, 3rd Edition, Blackwell Business. Hofstede, G. (1984). Culture´s Consequences: International Differences in WorkRelated Values, Beverly Hills, US. IWAY (2000). Internal IKEA document. Juran, J. A. M. (1988). Quality Control Handbook. McGraw-Hill, New York. Mintzberg, H. (1983). Structures in five - Designing Effective Organisations, PrenticeHall. Mintzberg et al. (1998). Strategy Safari. Prentice Hall. Neergaard, P. (1998). Management Accounting and Uncertainty, Samfundslitteratur, Copenhagen. Neergaard, P. & Klamer, B. (2001). Factors Leading to Excellence in Environmental Management, paper in review, Copenhagen Bus. School. Neergaard, P. (2002). A contingency Approach to Quality Management, to be published in the Scandinavian Journal of Management. Vol. 18. Oakland, J.S. (1993). Total Quality Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford. Schary, P. & Skjøtt-Larsen (2001). Managing the Global Supply Chain, Copenhagen Bus. School Press.…

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    Environmental performance, as defined by the impending ISO 14031, is the company's achievement in managing any interaction between the company's activities, products or services and the environment (ISO 1997). Improvement of environmental performance thus implies that the company has minimised the relative environmental impact of its activities, products or services. Based on the use of performance measurement in traditional management accounting, environmental performance measures are (Horngren and Sundem 1993): * Attention-directing, as they point to problems and indicate which problems are to be given priority * Used in problem-solving, as they (should) enable environmental managers to choose between possible solutions and evaluate possible outcomes * Used in keeping track of activities and results--i.e, scorecard-keeping…

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