
Manifest Destiny Vs Religion

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Manifest Destiny Vs Religion
In the 19th century, the gripping desire to expand became the forefront of many colonialist minds. The United States was no stranger to greed for land; the country, earlier founded on the exploration of Christopher Columbus, considered the development of their country as something greatly hindered on the expansionist ideologies that were eventually funnelled through the widely-known doctrine: Manifest Destiny. Settlers resolutely believed in what was considered to be the “inevitable” expansion of the United States throughout America, giving themselves a means of credibility for their actions through religion or otherworldly avenues, such as fate. Throughout this time, Manifest Destiny substantiated religious sentiments as well as economic …show more content…
Founded deeply in religious beliefs, the dogma heavily reflected the importance of religion- labeling their actions as desires of a heavenly faith ensured more plausibility for their desires. No longer was expansionism just a desire for land, but a desire to solidify the aspirations of God himself. Religion has always been used as substantiating evidence for action and belief. This conviction, while not inherently corrupt, breathes of decadence; many have used their religion as a way to convince others of certain beliefs and actions, balancing their morality on the false word of God. However, Manifest Destiny did more than reflect the religious ideologies framing the time. An inclination for American identity rose from the blooming patriotism of a young United States. The idea that the United States was special, that it had a God-given right to rule over the North American continent, backed an essential facet of the patriotism arising at the time. “Destiny” in itself holds immense value in connotation, and the United States believed with startling conviction that their fate stood above the rest of the world’s. It’s an ideology still breathed through the channels of American culture, as United States’ patriotism tends to hold a special edge: a belief that the country, unlike others, stands for freedom intrinsic to the land. Being such a young country, the United States felt out their identity, aiming to create something of themselves while simultaneously gaining more power to substantiate their

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