St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves is a magical realism story about a group of girls, whose parents are wolves, being rehabilitated to live like human girls. They are taken to a Catholic school and are taught how to speak and act by nuns. It is about the action in the story but it can be interpreted to be about outcasts. One of the girls, Mirabella, is left out of things and doesn’t fit in, eventually she gets abandoned. This story shows us how an outcast might feel. Karen Russell’s style creates a memorable lesson.…
The numbers in the bracket after each question relate to the assessment criteria in the standards…
The title of the editorial catches our attention straight away. It establishes a sense of moral values and appeals to ethos. The “good” in the title refers to the ‘self-respecting’ citizens; the “bad” refers to the graffiti artists and the “ugly” refers to graffiti itself. This serves to separate the principled and upright members of society from the graffiti artists.…
Art galleries are essential to the art world, however, is not the only source for audiences to view art. To begin with, art and artwork is defined as the application of human skill, creativity and imagination. Taking this into consideration, individuals need to examine the nature and purpose of art galleries as a facility to collaborate, organize and display a collection of artworks. As art however, is any expression of human creativity, its presence is not bound to art galleries and is evidently present in the world around us be it in photographs, the internet or even in graffiti.…
of the profound effect the “Street” has over its inhabitants. This theme captures my attention…
Although people have their own thoughts and emotions as they are walking along the blocks of a town or city, one can only wonder what the city is actually telling them. Picturesque scenes may evoke thoughts of wonder and hope, but the opposite can be true for the urbanite of the city. Walls littered with graffiti, subway cars covered with trash and vandalism, prostitutes lurking on corners and all around waste that stud the city with the stereotypical “dirtiness” give a clear description of the trouble that lie in the city borders. For the rest of the metropolis, the choice is very well pronounced: live with the dirt and grime or try and fight it for the good of the community. In Malcolm Gladwell’s story, “The Power of Context: Bernie Goetz and the Rise and Fall of New York City Crime”, Gladwell describes that human behavior is deeply affected by our environment. Along the same lines, in the short story “The Solitary Stroller and the City”, the author Rebecca Solnit delves into her own life and the lives of others to explore the role that humans encompass while being individuals on the street. Solnit considers walking to be that of an individual account and a time for deep thought about what is around us. Speculating that instead of just being walkers on the street, these people are a part of society and have a say in the city that surrounds them. She writes, “The streets are where people become the public and where their power resides” (Solnit 576). When reading about both authors points of view about people and society, it’s really the personal backgrounds of the people that change the way the city looks and works. A city does not come to violence due to the city itself but rather the individuality that each person occupies as they walk through it and carry the emotions that were brought upon them from previous experiences. Therefore, the environment does not explicitly impact an individual but rather it is the social…
When you see street art (or graffiti) what comes to mind? You might think of criminals who wear masks and draw on the sides of buildings, trucks, and other public places. Others who are involved in the underground world will call it a movement, making statements that the public and other artists are allowed to critique and react to. There are numerous artist that go on a dangerous and trilling endeavor to get their form of art into the world. Along with risking their freedom ,the art they create often disappears soon after it is published. In the documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop Banksy gives says, “. . . I realized that the reactions of this stuff was, you know one of the most interesting things about it. Cause for me it’s an important…
Irony is one of the things that keep our daily lives a lot more interesting than expected. Having the exact opposite of your expectation happen. In Langston Hughes essay “Salvation” that’s exactly what took place. Hughes went to church with the intention of believing and being “Saved” and ended up being disappointed. At the age of 12 Hughes attended church with his aunt Reed. Before going to church he was continuously told he would “see Jesus”, Hughes at the time took it literally and expected to “see Jesus” at the church revival. Hughes and Westley were the only two left on the mourners bench. Westley got tired of waiting to “see Jesus”, so he lied and was saved, leaving Hughes alone on the bench. After seeing that, Hughes lost belief and decided to go up to be saved even if he didn’t feel saved or saw Jesus. Everybody was ecstatic and “rejoicing” but all that affected Hughes and made him feel guilty for lying.…
There are many contemporary artists in the world that provoke conversation on controversial topics. Keith Haring, Francis Bacon and Barbara Kruger are a few examples of artists with a message. These artists have all created works that "evoke a sense of struggle 'against the system.'" Not all of these outspoken artists share the same vision, but they have fought their own personal battles to get their message out to the public.…
How painting can transform communities was a very interesting film that had a rather color approach in the way they would engage community members within their project. Haas and Hahn had a vision to improve the surroundings of these poor neighborhoods by sight in which they learned an entirely different perspective in the way neighborhoods respond. Environments have a distinct psychological impact on your subconscious mind; whereas your surroundings can greatly influence your mood and emotion. It has been proven by many psychologists that design can truly change human behavior and perspective of their lives and the world. I like the idea of this project but I think it should be done with an improvement of the infrastructure, education and values of the people who lives there. it is also important to integrate society from all different levels on this project, doing this with the objective of the creation of bonds in de the neighborhood. The text subsequently talks about social class and inequality amongst them as resources are scarcely distributed in the aspects of wealth, health, education, power, and in the case of this film is generally housing. Concepts on how societies are tied to unequal resource patterns will help us observe how art can transform…
This street art is a good representation of how as a society we don’t appreciate history. By washing away older art pieces it seems that as a modern society there is less importance on them. This piece seems to say that there is no place in modern society for old art and…
One of the greatest cultural trends began in Zurich and it is known as Dadaism. During World War I a group of individuals created Dada in reaction to what they perceived to be negative and opposite of the values that they believed in. They showed their protest against nationalist, colonialist interest and bourgeois in various forms of controversial art. The new style definitely found its followers in suffocated by war society and even etched in history. Nevertheless, 1970s showed us that Dadaism was not forgotten as it inspired a new generation of people to express their feelings with regards to what is against their vision of perfection. This created a new cultural movement known as ‘Punk’ which is characterised by a critique to a political system and society that was framed in a specific pattern.…
Graffiti has been around for more than half a decade and practiced worldwide. However there is debate between whether it is a form of art or vandalism. Graffiti artists’ debate that many do not understand the reason most graffiti artist take the risk of incarceration, fines, injuries, and in some cases death to paint a wall. A graffiti artist can have the simple desire to become recognized, or to create a piece that speaks to their audience as a form of self expression. Because graffiti is associated with gangs and acts of destruction to some many cannot see the history and importance graffiti can have on a worldwide scale. Due to the fact that graffiti is usually produced illegally, meaning it is on private property without permission, means that it is vandalism, but this does not take away from the overpowering factors that make graffiti a legitimate form of aesthetically pleasing art.…
Street art may be interpreted as nonsense, a violation of property or it could be seen as one of the most vibrant, influential, and media based form of communication in society. People may struggle to perceive street art to be a form of art, questioning its existence to give any significance at all. (Trinity News, 2008) Street art is popular because people can view it while going about their daily activities. Surely enough street artists are voicing their opinions an+d are in turn prompting the audience to think differently about the world around them; particularly through their unique style of street art. Two well known street artists that have done precisely that are Banksy and SOLVE. Both artists have outreached their thoughts and views to be the new voice of the people.…
Art has been created by all people at all times; it lives because it is liked and enjoyed. Art involves personal experiences of an individual accompanied by some intensity of emotion. Art is made of man, no matter how close it is to nature. Although each work of art is evidently the expression of an artists’ personal thoughts and feelings it may be inferred that, like any other individual, he belongs to a million, and he cannot free himself from the influence of his social, economic, political, cultural, geographic, scientific, and technological environment.…