Manipulation may be a horribly effective word. Individuals have a tendency to utilize this move consistently to impel what they require in life. By misleading individuals or deceiving them into seeing a precise reason for read, individual’s addition power. To skilfully utilize the office of control an individual ought to utilize someone else 's shortcomings. By utilizing an individual 's feelings against them, they will be controlled effortlessly. In the novel “Oryx and Crake”, many of the characters of uses these techniques virtually to realize their goals.
Artistic gadgets like symbolism, clash, and imagery are utilized as a part of writing to pass on an exceptional intending to the reader. Regularly these gadgets are utilized to make a thought clearer, underline a point, or relate a knowledge to the reader. In her famous book, “Oryx and Crake, Margret Atwood uses arcane accessories to acquaint the theme and purpose of her book. …show more content…
Throughout the novel, we realize that the characters are indeed very manipulative and, in some ways, eager to have some power over someone else. Jimmy himself is to a certain extent a manipulative character. He knows how to use others to obtain what he wants. This is particularly true as to his relationships with women. Jimmy knows how to make them “feel useful”; he chooses “sad women, delicate and breakable, women who’d been messed up and who needed him.” comforting them, he expects that “a grateful woman would go the extra mile.” (121). He also manipulates his mother in the sense that he wants to get a reaction from her, by any means, from making her laugh to making her cry. He wants her to feel something and manipulates her feelings until he gets what he wants. This is not the first time Atwood depicts a male character exercising power over