Camera And Computer Arts:Some key topics for this chapter would inculde: the Phtography,Film,Video,The Internet,Camera Obscura,Camera,Pictorialism.Photography: involves light passing through an opening into a darkened chamber. The image that is formed inside is an upside down replica of the outside world. which is a Camera Obscura{Latin Word Fpr}(Dark Room) The still Camera And Its Beginnings: A Camera is a light box and one end admits light and a lens captures gocuses and refracts the lights to the image on a light sensitive surface.Heliograph: which is "sun-writing"; the first permanent photograph Daguerreotype: whcitch was a light sensitive copper plate coated with silver lodilde that captures a photographic images it processes positive images. Negative Image: its a light and dark values appear in reverse and can be used to create repeated copies and images. Photograph and Art: The western artist began to explore the artistc potential for photography to create both formal and abstract images rather than simply documentry. Pictorialism: which are tequniques who used and were used by photographers to create images and more patientry. Pure/Straigh Photography:which was a practice of photography in which the artist dows not cut (crop) or minipulate theire photographs to form any way. Photography And Art: which are consisted by found images and rayographs. the Found images are images and letters in which are clipped from the other priunted sources onto the other sources.The Rayograph on the other hand are images created by placing the objects on top of th elighti sensitive paper and making shadows on those papers.This form of art was inspired by artist (DADA)Film: its being dependend on a phenomemon called persistence of visions . In 1878 the photographer Eadweard Muybridge was to use a series of cameras set off by the triggers to create the first forerunner modern film making camera Film and art was intended to create cinematic movies that do…
It also maps out many local items, such as parking options, hotels and motels, restaurants, shopping venues, entertainment, and fuel stops. If you have the right hardware to pair with it, City Navigator can give turn-by-turn directions in verbal form. This is the ideal way to receive instructions when driving as it can be easily followed by ear. This makes it especially useful if you are traveling alone. Plus, this Garmin map product will advise you of street names and navigational details, such as turn restrictions. It can provide traffic data for compatible devices. The DVD version of the City Navigator provides additional trip planning features.…
In the world of art, the photograph has conventionally been used to establish original subjects that document and reflect cultures as accurately as possible. However, in Philip Gefter’s essay, “Photographic Icons: Fact, Fiction, or Metaphor”, Gefter points out that, “just because a photograph reflects the world with perceptual accuracy doesn’t mean it is proof of what actually transpired. (208)” What Gefter is telling us is that it is that the ordinary reality of the image is not what is important; the metaphoric truth is the significant factor. What makes photojournalism essential is that it helps show us how to view the world in an individualized way. It is, essentially, a public art, and its power and importance is a function of that artistry. From the war photography of Mathew Brady (who was known for moving dead bodies to create a scene) to Ruth Orkin (who directed a second shot to capture “American Girl in Italy”, when the first “real” shot was not to her liking), Gefter underscores that, although these shots are not the unedited version of life,…
GI can likewise be utilised to let you know about the general population in a specific area, for instance their age profiles, wrongdoing levels or development designs. You require a geographic data framework (GIS) to read and break down guide information. (Survey, 2015) For instance, safety net providers use GIS to picture and foresee flood patterns so they can set the right premiums; retailers use GIS to site the most suitable new store area (maybe taking into account the population size), and crisis services use it to position their vehicles in the best areas at any given time of day, based notable examples of where they are well on the way to be…
Yes maps, illustrations, and charts are used a few times. They help explain things better than words. You can evaluate illustrations and what not by reading the description…
It is nearly impossible to realize the significance maps have on societies and culture without first disconnecting from the technologically driven reality we face today, and placing ourselves 400 years back in time…on that dark and dangerous ship in which John Smith was a passenger of. This paper will discuss not only the importance that Smith’s hand-written maps previously had and still currently possess, but also analyze their structural changes over time and how these changes correlate with the birth of a new nation in progress. Beyond the assimilation of key qualitative features of the sources, it is my hope to show that the maps contain much more information than the location of physical landmarks and city…
Maps have come a long way they first started out being drawings. “Mankind’s first maps, scratched in the dirt with a stick or carved into a stone with another stone, were as rudimentary as the scribbles of toddlers.” that quote tells you how far we have come with maps. Now we have accurate maps with exact locations of places. When the whole world went technology crazy so did everything else.…
In addition to your map, you will write a narrative and short reflection of at least 1 1/2 pages. (Keep in mind, however, what you must cover in your narrative and reflection and you might find yourself writing more.) You are to write the narrative of your journey and then in a separate paragraph, discuss your rhetorical situation (author, topic, purpose, audience) in your project and describe why you made certain rhetorical choices. For example, consider why did you pick those five places? What is your role as an author for this assignment? Who is your audience? How did your audience affect the choices you made? What did you learn? How did you use the Google Maps to help you tell your story? If time allows, you will give a very brief presentation/summary of your narrative and choices, in class.…
The Museum of Modern Art’s exhibition had a lot to offer educationally, and offered a lot of creative ideas. As a student it’s very easy to try and capture the most famous scenic image that we know for example, the Manhattan skyline, the Brooklyn Bridge, or images from Central Park. These artists featured in the Museum of Modern Art are exploring ideas that are much more personal to them. Personal ideas, feelings, and issues are coming up as a topic of discussion in photography, which hopefully can expand outward, beyond photography so that we don’t overlook and dismiss our own feelings and the feelings of the people around…
• If there is one map we should be able to use it in our own lives…
Photography’s influence on modern day is so vast that it is practically impossible to imagine a world without such technology. Due to the great deal of photography surrounding us, we have gradually become accustomed to the impact photography has on our social and cultural identity, that we no longer notice just how much it affects us and the world. If we take a look back to the creation of photography in the 19th century, we are able to understand its deep effect upon the social…
Media & Projects. Power of Place #1; Human Geography in Action: Ch 1 True Maps/False Maps. Quizzes/Tests. Chapter 1.1 Quiz; Chapter 1.2 Quiz; Note cards ...…
First off, an important idea came from the interview assignment. From an interview with Retired Col. Westfield, he said, “maps provide for a sense of direction, pathway in life, that also allows you to not only look forward but to reflect on the past as well.” This turns a traditional map into something with much more meaning. For example, taking a look at a paper map of the states only shows you the location of cities and so forth, yet viewing it as a personal map you derive memories of you in those locations that your eyes lay one. Thus, giving this map more meaning simply by the perception of the meaning of the…
In Mitchell Stephens’ essay, Expanding the Language of Photographs, he strongly believes that journalists altering images is okay, as long as they are changed within reason. Throughout his essay, he gives specific reasons for why he feels this way. He also gives specific examples to support him on his belief. Stephens believes that manipulating photographs gives journalists “unprecedented ability to shape the meanings their photographs, not just their sentences, can communicate” (15). The purpose of this essay is to emphasize journalists’ reasons for altering images. Stephens clearly states that the reason journalists manipulate photographs are to have a new form of communicating stories to their audience.…
In this essay I have examined the way maps may influence people’s perception of the world. Different types of maps a really contribute to the outlook. However, they can give a distorted view of the generally accepted reality. Overall, then, I think that a map is a useful invention of mankind and we only have to be attentive and…