A chair is there for the Interpreter and he beats on an instrument which is made of reeds with tiny calabashes below it praising the sultan, recalling in his song his expeditions and deeds. The wives and the concubines sing with him... about thirty of his pages (messengers)... each has a drum tied to him and he beats it. Then come acrobats and jugglers of swords..."’ This gives proof that Ibn thought that these people had extravagant belonging and he truly was this incredibly wealthy person because he had all these wives and gold. He was also illustrated like someone Ibn had never seen before. To support this claim, in source C, it shows a map, which is a primary source, that has Mansa Musa depicted as this enormous king with an enormous gold sphere in his hand, as well as a crown and staff. The makers of this map also made the staff, sphere, and crown a shimmery gold paint, to emphasize that he has gold. This demonstrates that Mansa was known in parts of the world to be rich with gold. He is also larger than anyone else of the map which would indicate that he might have been seen as a powerful person as well as being wealthy. Mansa Musa was known to be rich on many levels, according to source E, “One of the things which Musa told Amir Hajib was that his country was very extensive and contiguous with the …show more content…
There’s really no way to put an accurate number on his wealth. Records are scarce, if non-existent, and contemporary sources describe the king’s riches in terms that are impossible for the time.” This is telling not only that we have no idea how much money he has, but as well as why. It also explains, ““This is the richest guy anyone has ever seen, that’s the point,” says Ware. “They’re trying to find words to explain that. There are pictures of him holding a scepter of gold on a throne of gold holding a cup of gold with a golden crown on his head. Imagine as much gold as you think a human being could possess and double it, that’s what all the accounts are trying to communicate.” When no one can even comprehend your wealth, that means you’re pretty darned rich.” This is providing that he was rich and people would have been dumbfounded by his current wealth because they had never seen anything like him. It also gives the evidence that we do not really know how much money he had in wealth because of scarce records. Now it’s to the fact that whether or not the sources we have gathered our information from can be trusted because if they cannot be deemed reliable, then why trust the evidence I have provided? Let’s start with Source A, I do not think this source is dependable because it is a blog post and blog post are generally opinionated, so this post could have been biased against Mansa Musa. Next is Source B, I do think this is dependable because it is