I have chosen to summarise a manual handling policy from my workplace. I decided this as whilst at work I use manual handling constantly throughout the day. Many of our service users need hoists, handling belts and other equipment to assist with their mobility, so this policy is very relevant to be sure I carry out my duties in a safe manner.
Manual handling can involve many different tasks, including using moving and handling equipment where a service user needs aids for lifting or general mobility, pushing tea trolleys or wheelchairs or carrying any item whether it be a bag of laundry or bin bag.
The manual handling policy complies with the laws of: health and safety at work act 1974, Manual handling operations regulations 1992. It corresponds with other policies in my work place including: the RIDDOR, lifts and hoists and risk assessment policies.
The policy states that minimum manual handling should be used, and avoided where possible; this will be decided in the ‘initial manual handling assessment.’ After this relevant measures will be put in place to avoid or minimise risk, for example instead of carrying a heavy load a trolley will be used instead. Risk assessments will be renewed where there are any changes in the matter or at least annually.
The policy states requirements for both the employer and the employees. These must be adhered to by both parties. The idea of this is to maintain the safety of all involved in any manual handling. If the manual handling policy is not adhered to, disciplinary action will be taken.
For the employer they must provide training for all staff conducting manual handling, the training must be updated regularly and more training given on new equipment. The employer must deal with any reports of injuries, unsafe practice or faulty equipment. Employers should make sure risk assessments are carried out, so that all involved are safe. The must provide appropriate and efficient