In Jan Wong’s entrancing expose Red China Blues, she details her plight to take part in a system of “harmony and perfection” (12) that was Maoist China. Wong discloses her trials and tribulations over a course of three decades that sees her searching for her roots and her transformation of ideologies that span over two distinctive forms of Communist governments. This tale is so enticing in due part to the events the author encountered that radically changed her very existence and more importantly, her personal quest for self-discovery.…
In this chapter, Chen describes the effects that the Cultural Revolution had on education. These effects were mainly put in place by Chairman Mao, under his idea that a leaf needed to be turned over in Chinese society. He wanted to forget the past and move on to the future. At this time, religion was banned, many historic relics were destroyed, and many educational institution were either restricted or shut down as a work mentality was promoted. “Fifth grade classes were made up of three categories: labor, politics, and self-study. We dug up the playground and turned it into vegetable plots so that young kids could labor under the scorching sun and have empty but healthy minds” (Chapter 11) This shows the effects of Mao’s rule on even the youngest of people. It reveals how Mao wanted people to work to support the country, this was under the communist ideal Mao followed. Many people were either denied school or trained in something useful for the country. I decided to put this under the political organization Universal because I thought that this showed Mao’s direction and implementation of his ideas, which led the…
Source B shows Mao Zedong’s beliefs about his rapid socialization, which is very successful. Mao shows anger and rage in his speech towards party members who wanted the progress of China to be slow down because he believed his movement was becoming increasingly successful. Source E on the other hand, displays Mao’s policies in an alternate manner. The author explains that the Chinese economy was hurt by Mao’s attempts to rapidly industrialize it. He stated that the economy did not stabilize until Mao took a break from politics. When Mao returned to the realm of politics again, he introduced a policy that would transform Chinese society. These policies would offset the progress that was made during Mao’s political absence and would also introduce more problems and strife into society. Source B shows approval towards Mao’s attempts to swiftly change society however; source E shows the damaging effects for China…
Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro's "Son of the Revolution" is a comprehensive story of Liang Heng's life on growing up during the chaotic times of the Chinese revolution. The purpose of this novel was to depict the horrors and hardships of life during the revolution period in china during Mao Zedong's reign. In the beginning of the book, the author portrays that news and ideologies always stated that the government was working for the good of the people of the country. However, as the book unfolds the author reveals that the government is actually exploiting the people through misuse of people's trust. The book also provides insights into the Chinese life during the period of 1954-1978. This 24 year period saw major political movement and aspects of Mao Zedong's thoughts and its influence on people. The personal effects of these historical movements coincide directly with the Liang family providing stirring details through the eyes of a person that went through the actual horrific events. This essay will focus on some historical central issues of the book from the period when the first campaign against rightist occurred in 1957 to the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" in 1966. The role of family, influence of relationships in marriage and divorce, the power of Mao Thought, and the major political reforms that took place in the period depicted in the novel will be discussed.…
In 1949, after a long lasting contest for leadership, the Communists were able to gain power. In 1900, China was ruled by the Manchu dynasty, however less than in half a century a completely new government came into power. The Qing government had already been weak due to European countries because they gained great influence in China’s affair by using forces. They became so unpopular that people plotted to overthrow them. Despite the fact that the revolution of 1911 failed to overthrow them, it made the government collapse. People needed changes. But none of the leadership or the Party government could achieve what they promised in order to make the lives of people better in China. The Communist used clever tactics to achieve their aims and used terror to some extent in places where terror benefits them. They got support of peasant in the countryside easily as Mao Zedong, their leader knew exactly what should be improved or changed, and he understood the need of peasants; as he was peasants as well. Factors such as failures of the Guomindang, Japanese invasion of China, the strengths of the Chinese Communist Party and the characteristics and personal roles of Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek need to be taken into account to understand why the Communists gain power rather than the Guomindang in the Civil War.…
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution or the Cultural Revolution (1966 -1976) was one of the most dramatic and bleakest periods in the history of the People’s Republic of China. The roots of the Cultural Revolution date back to the late 1950s to the early 1960s when the Great Leap Forward ended in catastrophe. The leader, Mao Zedong lost a lot of his influence among his revolutionary comrades, supporters and eventually, he was removed from actual powers by the members of the party. During his eradication, Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi came to power. They introduced China to “economic reforms based on individual incentives where families are allowed to cultivate their own plots of land - as an attempt to revive the crippled economy. Mao detested such policies, believing that the CCP was becoming too bureaucratic and the Party officials shied away from the values of Communism and revolution.” (Spence, 1990)…
China is a political oddity, as it is one of the very few surviving Communist states and arguably the only truly successful one; but it is not exclusively this political identity and structure that have made it an emerging superpower but rather the government’s pragmatism. The modern Communist Party of China is above all pragmatic, so much so that the base pillars of communism have essentially been abandoned. They are willing to compromise their ideology to accommodate the demands of a globalized world and to some extent the demands of their people. The events of 1989 are a prime example, following the bloody Tiananmen Square protests, which called for social and political reform; an informal agreement called the Beijing consensus was made…
I feel that Maoism significantly diminished the quality of life for the peasant communities. In the beginning those communities were hopeful that Mao’s vision for change would improve the peoples ability to feed and support their families by giving them land through the land reform, as well as healthcare, education and housing. The people were able to take control of their lives in order to achieve sustainability. By these events the peasants saw they would benefit from Maoism and therefore supported the communistic regime. Soon after the peasants quickly realized that Maoism was not as it seemed. With the start of industrial projects, Mao began looking to the peasants to pay for his vision through socialized agriculture called cooperatives. This movement created the next phase of Mao’s regime and moved the country quickly into collectivization. The peasants were forced to give up their land, livestock, and tools allowing the government to control the crops grown by each cooperative as well as how much of the crop each family could keep and forcing the rest to be sold to the state for unreasonably low prices. Rightfully so, the peasants were very upset by this and Mao was forced to reconsider ways to finance his industrial goals for China. Maoism was…
Most Chinese and Western views of the CR treat it essentially as a conflict of high (not local) elites, as a response to the concerns of a few people (not of many). Many explanations of this event fall into four types, relating it to (1) Chairman Mao's personality and cultural or political habits, (2) power struggle among high leaders, (3) ideal policies for radical development in an impoverished society, or (4) basic-level conflicts, induced by previous policies, of the sort suggested above. Let us examine these in order.…
While life in the commune was a struggle and, as a family, we were always working our very hardest. Li’s absence had lifted the pressure of having to feed a household of 9. Li had been sending home letters frequently, and I could sense the lies through his words. He was not committing himself fully to the art of ballet – I could tell. I am his mother, after all. The result of his homesickness was not trying his hardest at what he was chosen for. At this same point of time in his life, he had informed me that Chairman Mao was a great influence on him, and was granted youth…
Being one of the most well-known characters of Chinese modern history, Mao Zedong has been constantly debated in both Western and Eastern worlds. Like all historic figures, Mao Zedong has been seen in different light: sometimes under glorification and reverence, and sometimes as a devil that dragged China into one of its darkest eras. These contradicting opinions can be easily seen in the assigned readings of this course. While Mao Zedong is generally praised for his military accomplishments during the overturning of the former government of the Kuomintang and the war against Japanese invasion, opinions differ when his ruling of China after 1949 comes into discussion. In some readings, he is most heavily criticized for the cruelty and aggressiveness he had posed on the Chinese people- to the extent that some even question whether overturning the Kuomintang was truly liberation for the Chinese people after all. In other readings, Mao Zedong is still seen as the great liberator of the Chinese people- the leader that brought China onto the tracks of modernization and great economic development. Although opinions about Mao Zedong differ greatly from person to person, there is no doubt that he is indeed a powerful figure in Chinese politics- in international politics even- and the influence his reign has on modern China still lives to this very day, for reasons and effects that are both good and bad.…
In conclusion, it is undeniable that Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution was bad for China and its people because of the false knowledge of the West via an awful education, the false sense of freedom given to the people, and in the whole horrific process, killed over 40 Million…
1. What specific development in Hunan province reinforced Mao’s convictions about the peasantry as a revolutionary force?…
Mao Zedong, and also commonly called as Chairman Mao. He is born at December 26, 1893, and died in September 9, 1976. He was a Chinese Communist revolutionary and the founder of the People's Republic of China, which he governed as Chairman of the Communist Party of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death. He lived in a wealthy farmer in Shaoshan, Hunan. Mao adopted a Chinese nationalist and anti-imperialist perspective in his early life. On October 1, 1949 Mao proclaimed the foundation of the People's Republic of China. In 1966, he initiated the Great Cultural Revolution, a program to wipe out supposed counter-revolutionary elements in Chinese society that lasted 10 years and was marked by violent class struggle, widespread destruction of cultural artifacts and unprecedented elevation of Mao's personality cult and which is officially regarded as a "severe setback" for the PRC. After all, Mao is regarded as one of the most important individuals in modern world history. Mao is officially held in high regard in the People's Republic of China as of today.…
Lets take a minute here and be honest; we spend a lot more time on social media these days than we should. Sometimes that can be a good thing as it allows us to see what our peers may be doing at a certain moment, or it may allow us to access critical news media faster than ever before. But, there is that slight chance that it could be damaging to us – ruining our career options.…