Ecological Value Maples trees are important to the environment and people for so many reasons. They produce maple syrup, so we can put it on our waffles or pancakes. They also help cleaning the air and help produce oxygen for us to breath. They can also provide wood to use for building uses. These are some of the reasons why maple trees are important to use and the environment.
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They do this by the process of photosynthesis. This process happens in the leaves of the tree.
Medicinal Uses The species of maple trees have many medicinal uses. I am going to name a few medicinal uses of some species of maple trees. Sugar maple’s bark can be make to be a tea. Which can be use to treat cough, diarrhoea, etc. And the compound fusion of the bark as a drop to help treat blindness. Red maple’s bark has some properties that can help treat sore eyes. The infusion of the bark can be used to help with cramps and dysentery. These are some species of maple that have medicinal uses.
Building Uses All species of maple trees can be used for building uses. Red maple wood is good for making furniture, sports equipment, flooring material, and wall paneling. Silver maple wood is not the best for building uses because over time it can rot and the wood is light and weak. It can be made for secondary furniture and crates. These are a few species of maple trees that are used for building.
Location/Range in which Species is Grown Maple trees are grown in the northern hemisphere. They grow in North America, Asia, Europe,and Northern Africa. Maple trees like to grow in deep soil that is moist. Most of the Maple Trees grow in North America, Asia, and