Kimberly Williams
University of Phoenix
Mapping an Argument
What is the Issue? I have decided to read about the Traditional newspapers are becoming extinct. The issue with this is the cost of the newspapers going up and how the Internet is taking over the place of the newspaper. People are now depending on the Internet for their sources instead of the newspapers. The competition-deflecting effects of printing cost got destroyed by the Internet. The newspaper people often note that newspapers benefit society as a whole, but it is getting so expensive to keep newspapers running. The imperatives to strengthen journalism and to strengthen newspapers have been so tightly wound as to be indistinguishable. They are trying to find ways to strengthen the ways of newspapers. "Save newspapers" to "save society" is the big issue of this article. The other issue is to keep the newspapers from becoming extinct.
The other article that I read about was the Veterans Administration health care not being readily available in rural areas. The issues of this article were the increased efforts to improve the care that is available for rural veterans. Also anther issue for the veterans was the long distances it is a huge problem for most of them. Long distances and restrictive rules have become an issue for the veterans and they have also become very obstacles to health care for many of them. Rural veterans have other problems with this also. The health care needs of rural veterans and managing the money for expanding care. In addition, oversight of rural health care programs was ineffective. There are so many issues with their heath care needs they are trying to fix them.
What are the stated and unstated premises? The stated and unstated premises for Traditional Newspapers Are Becoming Extinct are that the newspaper industry has been fighting for its life since the beginning of the digital age, and also journalism will survive
Citations: and references have not been included. It is essential to cite and reference non-original sources correctly. Refer to the formatting guidelines in the Associate Level Writing Style Handbook. | Intellectual property is recognized with in-text citations and a reference page. | | Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. | | Spelling is correct. | | Late Penalty – 10% per day up to 2 days | | Total 50 Points | Total Earned42/50 | Overall Comments:Hi Kimberly,Thank you so much for turning in this assignment. You have offered a competent mapping of the articles. You have generally identified the issues, premises, and conclusions and offered a substantive explanation for each. Your post is addresses all points in the assignment. Better organization of the writing would have strengthened the paper. Several mechanical and formatting changes are present. See comments above and in the text for specifics.Good work on this assignment! I hope this assignment has helped you clarify concepts relating to analyzing arguments to identify the issues, premises, and conclusions. |