ⅠIntroduction People imagines the another world which is different with the living world and form a virtual view of the world like appearance of the super heros to save the people in the dangerous situations and the world that is worked by the magic, not science. As a result, ‘Marble Cinematic Universe’ is established and the Hogwarts is build in each countries. Like this, the view of the world forms one prologue through the Story telling : it is a compound word of ‘story’ and ‘telling’ and means delivering through the word, image and musics. In the past, it was focused on the story, bit recently it composes the cultural contents in areas where …show more content…
Therefore, in this story, we hope to analyze the change of the world view in 2012 through the ‘EXO’ as a center.
ⅡResearch methods First at all, I will review the history of research by analyzing how the world view has been used in cultural contents. In this process, I will use the data of google n-gram viewer. After that, I try to analyze the world view of EXO with the news and advanced research and compare to before. Furthermore, I try to find the current location by looking the other world views of groups besides the EXO. Then, the study will end with produce the impact of elaborate world view in success of the idol industry.
Ⅲ Expected research and Potential Impact By reviewing the limits and current positions of Korea's fantasy storytelling derived from the history of researches, we will be able to learn about the future direction of fantasy and cultural contents. It is also true that storytelling is not as useful as we expect in popular music. However, it is expected to contribute to the development of pop music by proving that the success factors in the idol industry are a strong world …show more content…
「the storytelling of idol, the way to gain ‘the identity of team+popularity’」, July 7. 2017.
Park Gi-Soo, Ahn Seung-Bum, Lee Dong-Eun, Hye Won Han (2012). Current State and Outlook of Cultural Contents Storytelling. Humanities Contens, (27), 925.
Kim Seong-zoo (2014). Analysis of the storytelling through the fantasy narration: focus on the world view of the EXO.
Hur Man-Ook (2011). A study on the South Korea’s development strategy with the passage of the fantasy genre Literature . The study of Korean Literature, 34, 485-514.
Hur Man-Ook (2011). A study on the narrative Strategic and development plan of the Fantasy literature, in the cultural contents industry. The study of Korean Literature, 32, 427-456.
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