Kennedy spoke in July. He spoke about the Civil Rights Legislation. After he spoke, segregation began to go down hill. As this was happening, more black people got hired onto jobs, that they usually would not get. This made blacks feel more free, and it made them want more freedom. In the Declaration of Independence, it states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” That states that all men are created equal, which is not what happened. The blacks did get treated differently, and they did not get to have as many rights as whites did. We did not live by this statement. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1964. …show more content…
It was funded by locals all over the world. About 250,000 people were in the march. It was a very non- violent protest, very calm and organized. People got there from walking, roller skating, biking, planes, and buses. 15% of the crowd was students, ¼ were whites. Just before the march began, someone sabotaged the sound system that was $16,000.00 and it got fixed the morning of the march. Along with the sound system, some props were damaged also. (Woog 64- 66)
At the march, all of the people listened to many musicians, speakers, and watched people perform. Martin Luther King gave his speech, and A. Philip Randolph gave his speech. As these two speakers gave their speech, they changed many looks on the march. Martin Luther King’s speech was based on his dream that he had. He spoke about his dream often, and decided he would share it with people. Even when people told him to not speak of the dream, he still did. In 1964, he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for his speech.