Many people have heard the saying, there is no I in team. Like any sport, a band can not function through one person alone. While marching, if I did not work together with the other members of the band, it would be a disaster. Marchers would be running into one another, and the music would not line up together. It took everyone working together as one to create a masterpiece.
Trust, trust, trust. I learned that in order for a team to come together, there has to be trust. As a marcher, I had to trust that …show more content…
The first year of marching band there were only 40 members; thus, everyone had to learn and play their part. In my head, playing and marching at the same time seemed like a piece of cake. In reality, it was as if I were learning a foreign language. I had to discipline myself to take extra time to practice the music and fundamentals. I still do this today, not with music, but through my studies. Along with self discipline, marching band taught me a lot about time management. From June to November a large chunk of my time was taken up from practices, football games, and competitions. Throughout this, life never stopped. I had to learn how to manage school work, a job, family, and marching band. This meant giving up a lot of my free time and learning how to prioritize. Time management is a vital skill that anyone can use. Learning time management within marching band has provided me with the skills on how to balance school, work, and my social