Mr. Brown
World History Honors
2 December 2013
Zheng He versus Marco Polo Both Marco Polo and Zheng He were excellent world navigators in their time. However, Zheng He’s voyages and travels were much better and more important because they had much more of a profound impact on the world. His expeditions caused much more prominent change in China, directly and indirectly, than Marco Polo’s did in Western Europe. Zheng He’s voyages largely helped educate Ancient China as well as establish it’s a world power ahead of its time. Because of these voyages, he also led to much downfall in Chinese success later on in Ancient China. Marco Polo, while much more famous, only told the western world about all of the experiences on Ancient Trade routes. It is possible that of Marco Polo’s writing was embellished and not accurate to certain areas. Zheng He’s voyages were more meaningful because they were commissioned by more important people and his work would change the world landscape much more. As a teenager, Marco Polo traveled many years and much distance away from his native Italy. He must have been intellectual beyond his age because he left behind a comprehensive recollection of his travels which became a de facto guide for Europe on Asian regions. As a teenager traveling with his father and uncle(s), Marco Polo got to travel the world and learned of traditions and societies throughout. He left Venice, Italy and went across the Mediterranean Sea and into present day Saudi Arabia. There was able to meet many Middle Eastern merchants and African merchants. He traveled the Silk Road extensively and went all through out China. He also dipped into Southeastern Asia (India and Indonesia). He was one of the first to provide extensive written accounts of the progressive Chinese Empire to Europe. It is said he and the Chinese emperor Kublai Khan were amiable with each other. Historians debate if Marco Polo’s writing is accurate because his description at the