One of the main things that the Stoics did was deny their feelings. The reason they do this is because they strive to be happy. They believed that if they did so they would harness their freewill. To be human is to have emotion. The Stoics would feel emotion but upon …show more content…
They think that nature can never go wrong. If anything goes wrong according to your plans concerning nature you should not be upset and to deal with it. Stoics also do this to people, detaching themselves from relationships so they will not weep if the person unexpectedly leaves or dies. Another thing that the Stoics are strict upon, and talk about quite often, is to not groan when you are to die. They come so far as to detach themselves from their own lives. They believe they should die as soon as possible to give their bodies back to the gods who made them. As it is good to give back to your creator, the Stoics’ seemed to live so they could quickly die.
The Stoics respect themselves, others, and nature as if they were gods. They believe that we do not uniquely have a soul, which we are all made up into one world soul. They believe that anything they do affects the cosmos. While thinking of each other and themselves may be a little vain, it did cause peace in Rome. They respected the other nations and would often let people become