When it comes to the topic of representation of Aboriginality in the media, most of us would agree with Langton (1993) that the issue is not of racism but of representation. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of censorship. Where some are convinced that over censorship …show more content…
This could relate back to Langton’s earlier point (23) relating to peoples lack of understanding of Aboriginal culture. Owen and Westoby in their book “Community Development” (2012, 306) maintain that the approach of building “good local-level relationships” prior to engaging in the action will assist with mitigating this risk in community engagement. A position held by all three authors is that the lack of literature is a key contributor to issues of engagement. In the scenario where there as a substantial body of literature around dialogue in practitioner manuals the scenarios quoted by Langton e.g. “some ignore, supress or censor the problem “could be avoided