SA Montessori,
Philosophy 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS Covering Page 1 Table Of Contents 2 1 Write a page about Maria Montessori’s family, 4 where they lived, her father’s profession, her mother and her siblings 2 Where did Maria Montessori go to school, what did she study and why 5 3 Write about Maria Montessori’s Medical training, why, where 6 4 Note where she first practised medicine, why, and what did she learn 7 5 What was the ‘Children’s House’, where was it located, 9 what was Maria Montessori’s role 6 When did Maria Montessori first start writing and why 11 7 Why do you think Maria Montessori never married, substantiate with research 12 8 Who was the father of Maria Montessori’s son and why did they never marry 13 9 Mario Montessori, write about his part in his mother’s life 14 10 What happened to Maria Montessori in Italy before World War II 15 11 Where did Maria Montessori Spend World War II 16 12 What effect, if any, did Maria Montessori’s 17 stay in India have on the spread of her method?
13 How did the teaching colleges start and where 18 14 How did Maria Montessori spend her last few years of life, 19 where and when did she die Extracts from Maria Montessori’s Last Will and Testament 20
15 Try and find out what events and inventions took place in her life-time 21 16 Who were her contemporaries? 22 Important Dates In Maria Montessori’s Life 24
Question One: - Write a page about Maria Montessori’s family, where they lived, the profession of her father, her mother and her siblings?
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori’s parents were married in the spring on 1866; both mother and father were devoted to the liberation and the unity of Italy this was the common ground on which Maria Montessori’s parents met. They were devout Catholics.
Alessandro Montessori was a descendant of a noble family from