used for its medical purposes and its fiber. The hemp plant was used as paper, bowstrings in war, lighting oil, rope in sail ships, and in many other ways. American colonists later had their hands on this plant which was also used for the same purpose (Jung, 2010, p.9). American farmers were demanded to grow hemp as a mandatory crop, for it was used at a source of oil in great wars. This caused cannabis to be available to a large number of people. Slowly the medical use of this drug began to disappear, as each batch had various effects from person to person due to its THC level which was unknown about in that time period. There was no possible way of testing this drug, and many other drugs were introduced, dominating cannabis. During the 1960’s, the use of cannabis as a recreational drug by hippies and college students began. Later on, in the 1970’s there was pressure to “decriminalize” this drug (Jung, 2010, p.9). Although the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse thought decriminalization was appropriate regard causing psychological damage. Schizophrenia has been noted as one major psychological change an individual can undergo. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, schizophrenia is characterized with delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and other symptoms that cause social or occupational dysfunction (American Psychiatric Association). These symptoms may interrupt an individuals’ life on a day to day basis, one of them being difficulty interacting with others. According to many studies it has shown a link between acute psychosis and cannabis users (McGuire). Recent study has shown that cannabis can create a full range of schizophrenic like positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms towards even a healthy individual. Individuals who already have some form of psychotic disorder could relapse, amplify the symptoms and stir the illness in a negative manner (D'Souza, D, 2009). This causal relationship has been found in several experiments and it has been recommended that eliminating the use of cannabis can decrease the risk of an individual becoming schizophrenic or psychosis (Arseneault, 2004).
The negative implications not only impact an individual but the society as a whole.
Second hand smoking causes just as much damage as it would to the primary smoker, such as coughing, wheezing, and airway inflammation. Studies show an increase of drivers under the influence of marijuana who have gotten into accidents and sent to trauma centers. (Brookoff). This may be due to the direct link between marijuana and its effects, - mood and behavior alteration. Under the influence of marijuana, individuals may believe they are following the rules and regulations of the road but however, that may not be the case. Furthermore, this also impacts other drivers on the road, as the individual who is under the influence is now driving in an inappropriate manner, others around him/her will have to adjust the way they are driving as well to ensure their own safety. Another negative impact of marijuana is the impact it has on children when mothers smoke marijuana during pregnancy. A study shows that children of mothers who have consumed marijuana during pregnancy were shorter in length and also weighed less upon birth, thus impacting the growth of the fetus (Coggans, 2004). The final societal concern this essay will focus on is the link between the high school dropout rate and marijuana. According to three researchers from Research Triangle Institute there is a 2.3 times higher chance of a high school student deciding to drop out of high school compared to an individual who does not consume marijuana. They further discuss that there has been sociological and psychological research linking marijuana to lower educational success (Bray, 2000). All these factors impact not only on the individual using and/or abusing marijuana but also on the society as a whole, not allowing growth and success, making it evident that marijuana should not be
Cannabis, one of the most commonly abused psychoactive street drug in today’s society has played several negative roles on its users. It is evident that it does not only impact the user itself in a physical and psychological manner, but also affects people around the individual as well as the future generation of this world. As stated above cannabis damages several aspects of the body ranging from the organ to respiratory system to the lung and heart. Furthermore it impacts an individual in a psychological manner as well; where an individual may possibly be diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychosis. Both the physical and psychological damages prevents an individual from living life to their maximum potential. Cannabis does not only impact the individual whom is consuming the drug but it also has an effect on individuals surrounding them. Second hand smoke is one of the most common effects, which almost has the equivalent impact on an individual as the person consuming the drug. When individuals are under the influence and behind the wheel it also has an impact on other drivers as they have to adjust for their own safety. Finally, it also impacts the future generation of this country as it impacts the fetus of mothers who smoke while they are pregnant. Legalizing this gateway drug would mislead people, opening gateways to more illicit drugs and stir the society and its people into turmoil.