
Marijuana During the 70s

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Marijuana During the 70s
Marijuana during the 70’s was viewed much differently then it is today. Twenty-Seven states approve for new medical studies, and consequential turn out of those convicted of using the most commonly used drug in the world, is making the United States change their opinion on the subject. The most debatable question going on right now in this question about Marijuana is: Whether or Marijuana should be legalized based on how it effects people’s health, its resourcefulness to medicine, and the contribution to the country?
This debate on Marijuana is so important because of its immense usage around the world as the number one drug. Millions of people use it regularly around the world and because of its illegality here in the United States tens of millions of people have not used it in this country. The laws behind greatly influence the legality of this drug, but now due to new evidence it being approached differently in social, scientific and economical stand point. Marijuana being used as both an everyday remedy and a medicine are being question by 27 states very thoroughly to have Marijuana approved in some way, however many of the users, who use it for medical purposes can still, and have gotten placed into prison by federal law. Records show that over 830,00 people a year have to deal with consequences with the law dealing with Marijuana and the numbers seem to be climbing more and more. One of the largest issues are that the United States spends 30 billion dollars a year in a drug war, in which half of the money goes to fighting off Marijuana since it’s the largest used drug. The success for Marijuana are being questioned, due to both the fact that the war in Iraq and improsonment are costing our country, casualties and large amounts of money. If a law were to be passed for Marijuana to be legalized in our country, it would have large effect in our economic structure and way of life.
The drug Marijuana comes from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Besides producing the

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